Page 38 of Daddy's Mercy

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Iwant this. I want you.

MaryAnn’s words echoed in his mind like a prayer. Every other rational thought had fled the moment she’d slipped her shirt from her body, a smile on her lips that was somehow innocent and bold at the same time.

He was holding onto her hips, fingers digging into her hips because he knew if he touched her bare skin, all bets were off. And as much as he wanted to simply bury himself in her, forget everything outside of their little cocoon for one night, he couldn’t risk losing control. Not with her.

“We’ll take it slow.” The promise was as much for himself as it was for her. “I want to savor you.”

It wasn’t entirely a lie. If the police were any good at their job, they wouldn’t have much longer together. He wasn’t delusional enough to believe he had anything to offer her once she was no longer in need of his protection. And so he was determined to make the most of whatever time it was they might have left together.

“What if I don’t want slow?” That not-quite-shy smile turned mischievous as she swiveled her hips, grinding herself against him.

His already shaky control over the situation was slipping, fast. Sliding his hands around to cup her ass, he squeezed hard enough to make her yelp, her eyes going wide with surprise. “Are you in charge here, babygirl?”

Her breath hitched at the endearment and he paused, rolling it around in his mind. Despite using it during her punishment earlier, he hadn’t taken the time to really consider the implications or weigh how it felt. It wasn’t nearly as heavy as her calling him ‘Daddy’ had been, perhaps because he’d never used it with anyone else. This was something just for the two of them.

So, at least for now, she could be his babygirl. And he would try not to overthink it. Another squeeze of her ass brought them both back to the present. “I asked you a question, little girl.”


“MaryAnn.” He let a hint of steel infuse his tone, and he nearly laughed when her bottom lip puffed out into a pout. Adorable little brat.

“Oh, all right. No, I’m not in charge.”

“Good girl. So if I say we’re going to take it slow, then we’re going to take it slow.” The more he spoke, the more in control he felt. Some things, as they said, were like riding a bike. “If you can’t control yourself, I can always tie you to the bed while I have my way with you.”

Excitement lit her eyes and she bounced happily, instantly making him regret his words when she pressed painfully against his rapidly hardening cock. “Can we? I’ve been wanting to try that.”

“Maybe another time.” Her disappointment was as instant as it was obvious. “For now, you’re going to be a good girl and do exactly as you’re told, or Da—I’ll have to punish you. Understood?”

Fuck, he really needed to watch that. It wasn’t fair to her for him to keep slipping up when he’d made it clear he wasn’t ready to be her Daddy yet. And he wasn’t sure if he ever would be.

Pushing aside the uncomfortable thoughts, he ran his hands lightly up her back, delighted when she shivered at his touch. “Are you going to be a good girl for me, MaryAnn?”

The breath she let out was shaky, and her eyes were glazed over with need. “Y-yes, Sir.”

“Then stand up. I want to see all of you before I taste you.”

She let out a sort of shocked squeak, but did as she was told, rising gracefully to her feet. Her movements were so hesitant, he couldn’t help but wonder if she’d been lying about not being a virgin. It seemed unlikely someone as gorgeous as her hadn’t had men falling at her feet her entire life, but…

Well, he’d already told her they would take things slow. Virgin or not, he planned on ensuring she enjoyed every second they had together, however limited those seconds might be.

When she reached for the straps of her bra, his world narrowed to the swell of her breasts encased in the simple cotton, the curve of her shoulder, the subtle way her torso nipped in at her waist before flaring out again at her hips.

“Fuck, babygirl. Don’t stop now.”

Her laugh wasn’t the high, girlish giggle he’d grown used to over the past few days, but the low, throaty chuckle of a woman who knewexactlywhat kind of effect she was having on a man. The shy, hesitant, maybe-virgin disappeared with a knowing smile as she slowly slid the thin straps down her shoulders.

Fingers trailing along the edges of the material still covering what he had a feeling was a pair of absolutely fantastic breasts, she cocked her head to the side. “Shouldn’t you be getting naked, too?”

“Ladies first.”

Another one of those utterly female laughs accompanied the shake of her head. “Where’s the fun in that?”

“Trust me, baby, I’m having plenty of fun.”

“If you say so.” With a shrug, she turned, facing away from him as she reached behind her to unsnap her bra. It took only a few flicks of her fingers to have the material falling away. When she reached for her leggings, he barked out her name.

“Turn around. Now.”
