Page 130 of More than Friends

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“Can I see it?”

I consider this for a moment. “Not yet. Let me get some paint on it first.”

“Okay,” he nods.

I tilt my head toward the door. “I should probably get going.”

I don’t move and then I laugh. “That was a cue for you to help me up.”

“Oh, right.” He pulls on his pants, jumps up, and holds out his hand. Once I’m standing, he says, “Can we talk about one more thing?”

“Sure.” I take a little step back from him.

“I’d like to pay all your medical bills,” he says. “Could you give me a total or send me the bills? I can pay them directly or pay you, but I want to pay it.”

“ don’t have to do that. I wasn’t expecting...”

He cuts me off. “Obviously, Maggie. I know you weren’t expecting me to, but I want to. Please let me do this.”

“Split it?” I counter.

He rolls his eyes. “Just let me pay it. I have money.”

“I have money too,” I say, my voice getting testy.

His nostril flares and he says, “I wasn’t implying otherwise.”

“I’ll think about it.”

He rubs his thumb between his eyebrows and then says, “I’d like to pay for the nursery furniture too.”

“I don’t need your help, Declan. Remember, I was planning to be a single mom.”

He flinches. “I don’t understand why you’re being so difficult about this. You aren’t doing this alone whether you like it or not. Just let me help.”

“Like I said, I’ll think about it.” I start toward the door.

“Well think about it quickly, or I’m just going to start leaving money around your apartment.”
