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Chapter Forty-Nine


“You’re showing!” Celestesays as soon as she sees Maggie.

“Am I ever,” Maggie says, resting her hand on her stomach. She’s smiling brightly looking down at her hand.

“You’ve got a ways to go in order to catch up to me,” Elizabeth says, giving Maggie a hug.

“Not too much longer for you,” Maggie says.

“A little more than a month.” Elizabeth looks down. “This one is definitely bigger than Vivi.”

“A boy?” Celeste asks with a twinkle in her eye.

“That’s what I’m guessing.”

After watching Maggie settle in with her sisters, I wander over to the men and pour myself a drink.

“Did you come with Maggie?” Eli asks, looking over her direction.

“Yes, we came together.”

Will stops pouring his drink and looks up at me in surprise. “That’s good.”

“Yeah. She’s tolerating me.”

James claps his hand on my back. “So you’re working it out?”

“We’ve come to a truce of sorts.”

Will’s eyebrow arches. “A truce?”

“We negotiated, and we’ve both gotten some things we wanted.”

“In terms of custody?” James asks.

I laugh. “Oh, no, we haven’t gotten past the birth right now, but I’m taking it one step at a time.”

“What exactly did you negotiate then?” Eli asks.

I take a long sip of my bourbon. “Well, I wanted to be at the birth.”

“And she agreed?” Will says. “I wasn’t sure if she was going to let you based off the other day.”

“Yeah. She agreed.”

“What did she want in return?” he asks, bringing his drink to his lips.


Will starts coughing, and James pinches the bridge of his nose. Eli just stares at me wide-eyed.

Without looking up at me, James says, “Declan, this still doesn’t seem like a bad idea to you?”

“Shecame tome,” I say, holding my hands up.
