Page 184 of More than Friends

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I walk over to the side of the bed, and she says, “Why are you wearing all of these clothes?”

As I’m undressing she says, “I still look pregnant, and I might leak milk on you. Is that a turn off?”

I laugh. “I don’t know. I’ve never had someone leak milk on me. Maybe I’ll be into it?”

She pulls down her pants.

“You don’t look pregnant though.” I study her body.

“My tummy is pretty squishy.” She runs her hands over her stomach.

I put my knee on the bed and then stop. “Your body is super sexy right now.”

She blushes.

“I mean, these boobs. I thought your pregnancy boobs were crazy. These are like porn star boobs.”

She laughs and looks down. “Oh, you’re into my milk implants, huh? Enjoy them now. They won’t last that long.”

I climb onto the bed beside her, both of us naked. “Are you sore or anything? Anything I should know. I don’t want to hurt you.”

She trails her hand along my bicep, and I nearly shiver. “I’ll let you know if anything feels off.”

I nod and gently skim my hand over her stomach and up to her breasts.

She watches me and then starts laughing.

I pull my hand back. “What?”

She nods down toward her breasts. “He ate more on the left than the right and you can tell.”

She touches her right breast. “This one is noticeably bigger. Feel it. There’s more milk.”

She takes my hand and puts it on her breast and then she looks up at me and lets out a loud laugh. “Sorry, this isn’t very sexy at all. I have like a one-track mind right now and it’s all baby - all the time. I’ll try to, um...focus.”

I move forward and kiss her neck. “We don’t have to do this right now. There’s nothing wrong with waiting.”

She runs her hand through my hair. “Honestly, I’m terrified to do this.”

I jerk back, pulling away from her. “Why the hell are we doing it then?”

“I figure it’s like a Band-Aid. I just need to rip it off.”

I shake my head. “I don’t think it’s anything like that at all. Maggie, there’s no rush. Are you doing this formeoryou? Because I don’t need you to do this.”

She places her hand on my bicep. “I’m afraid if I wait, I’ll just build it up in my head and be even more stressed about it, so I’d like to get it over with.”

I choke. “Get it over with? Yeah. That’s a super sexy way to think about it.”

She buries her head in my chest and starts laughing.

“We can just cuddle or...”

She slides her hand down my stomach. I suck in a quick breath as she wraps her hand around my erection and starts gently stroking. “No. I want to do this.”

“Okay.” I place my hand under her chin and tilt her head up so I can press my lips to hers. She moans softly and continues to stroke me.

I gently touch her all over as we kiss, taking my time – trying to pay attention to what her body wants, hoping she’ll let me know if something doesn’t feel good. After a few minutes, she pulls back and says, “I left a condom on the nightstand. Wanna grab it?”
