Page 200 of More than Friends

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Declan: Come to think of it. No one read me my rights.

James: That’s because you weren’t arrested.

Keene: This sounds illegal.

Zadie: Definitely illegal.

Declan: That’s what I said.

James: There were no witnesses.

Declan: What about me?

Will: You don’t count.

Juno: (Dead emoji)

Declan: Thanks

Zadie: So why did James arrest you at the airport?

Declan: Because I was being a fucking idiot.

Keene: But that’s pretty normal.

Juno: Yeah, how is that different from every other day?

Declan: Because this time it mattered.

Brooklyn: Well, is it all resolved?

Declan: Yes.

Zadie: What does that mean?

Declan: It means Maggie and I are together. I’m officially moving in with her.

Juno: Eek! I’ve been waiting years for this. I knew you’d get together.

Keene: She did. She’s been talking about it since the first Election party.

Declan: You knew since the first election party?

Juno: Yeah. It was obvious.

Declan: Was it obvious to everyone else?

Brooklyn: Yes.

Will: I had my suspicions.

Olivia: Me too.

Zadie: I didn’t.

Elizabeth: Me neither. I guess it should have been.

James: Yeah. It’s obvious now that I think back.
