Page 49 of More than Friends

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“Fuck this,” Will says, charging at me – tackling me to the ground.

“You need to stay away from her,” Will growls as we wrestle and roll around.

“It’s none of your business. Why do you care?”

“Because I’m her boss and if this ends badly, I’m going to have to live with it.” He has me in a headlock.

“Bullshit.” I elbow him in the stomach, and he drops his grip. I wiggle out of the headlock.

“Why do you care?”

He doesn’t answer. I stop wrestling. “Do you like her?”

He stops moving. “No. She’s evil incarnate.”

I sit up and stare at him for a moment. Oh, this never had anything to do withme. It was entirely abouther.

“You’re too far away. We can’t hear. What’s happening?” Eli calls.

I run my hands over my face. “If you’re interested, I’ll back off.”

“What are you whispering about?” James yells.

“I’m not interested,” Will whispers. “I’m her boss anyway. I just think she’s bad news, and it isn’t going to end well.

I lean up to the sky and growl with frustration. My face stings from that stupid slap fight.

“I’ll back off,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “You’re right. It’s none of my business. I won’t interfere, I promise.”

I study his face for a moment and open my mouth. He holds up his hand. “I don’t want to know anything about it.”

Will stands up quickly and walks toward the door without looking at the others.

“What happened? What’s happening?” Keene calls after me.

Will doesn’t respond.

“You’re not going to tell us why you’re fighting?” Eli calls.

“Mind your own fucking business,” Will calls as he storms back into the building.

They all turn to me.

“Well, I’m not going to tell you either,” I say as I stand up.

“Oh, come on. You’re no fun,” Keene says.

“Will’s right. Mind your own fucking business.”

Maggie and Declan Text Thread

Maggie: Did you get into a slap fight with Will at the White House or is this some sort of urban legend?

Declan: No comment.

Maggie: OMG it’s true.

Declan: I said no comment.
