Page 48 of More than Friends

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He looks from Will to me and back again. “Why the hell are you fighting?”

Both of us shrug and don’t say a word.

James throws Will the ball.

“Declan has a problem with thinking short-term.” He catches the ball and slaps his hand against it hard before throwing it to Keene.

“Oh, is that my problem? Maybe you just have a stick up your ass all the time,” I yell.

“You’re so immature,” he yells back.

I start walking toward him. “Dickhead.”

“What’s happening?” Keene says, tossing the ball to Eli.

“I have no clue,” James says.

Eli tosses the football into the air and catches it. “Entertaining whatever this is.”

I’m right in his face now. I say in a low voice – too low for the others to hear, “Did you apologize to her?”

“No, I didn’t apologize.” Will steps closer. “I’m her boss, and I needed her to do something. Why would I apologize?”

“That’s a bunch of bullshit. You should apologize.”

We’re both right in each other’s faces, breathing hard.

“Why do you care whether I see her?” I growl.

“She’s trouble. Can’t you see that?”

I shove him. “All the women I date are trouble.”

He lets out a loud laugh.

“You’ve never cared about the crazy women I’ve dated before.” I shove him again.

He shoves me back. “None of them worked for me.”

James has his arms crossed over his chest. “Elizabeth isn’t going to like it if someone comes to dinner bleeding.”

“Just stay away from her.” Will points at me.

“No.” I slap his face. Not hard enough to leave a mark but hard enough to sting.

“Did you just slap me?” His mouth hangs open. Before he can react, I slap him again.


Another slap.

“Grow up.” Will slaps me back.

“A slap fight!” Keene looks at us in amazement. “This is something.”

Eli’s standing next to James now, still tossing the ball in the air and catching it. “This is weird.”

“Really weird,” James agrees.
