Page 87 of More than Friends

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“We’re friends. Why wouldn’t she call me?”

Olivia is studying my face like if she just looks hard enough, she’ll find the answers to whatever she’s missing right now.

“What kind of friends, Declan? You don’t really look like friends to me.”

I cross my arms. “We’re friends. We have been for years. Do you have a problem with that? Are you going to tackle me and wrestle me over it? Am I not allowed to have female friends?”

“Not with Elizabeth’s sister,” he hisses.

I huff. We lock eyes – he's pissed. I’m not sure what he’s assuming right now, but whatever it is, I’m not the good guy. I can tell that much.

“So, you’re just going to lie to us,” he finally says.

I let out a deep sigh.

“Is she crying because of you?” he growls.

“No.” I look him straight in the eye, both of us unflinching. “Will, she doesn’t want anyone else to know why she’s upset. Can’t you respect that?”

Olivia speaks for the first time. “I can.”

Will shoots her a look and then she says, “If she wanted us to know, she’d tell us.”

“See.” I motion toward Olivia. Glad someone gets it.

“Fine,” Will mutters. “But you’ll tell us if there’s a real problem, right?”

“Only if she wants me too.”

Not what he wanted to hear, and he’s really not going to like the next part, but I continue anyway. “Don’t tell anyone.”

He guffaws.

“Please. Don’t tell anyone about this – that you saw us together or that she was upset.”

“James does not like secrets.”

“What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.” I shoot back.

Will laughs loudly. “That’s not even remotely true.”

Olivia tugs on Will’s arm and then nods at me. “Yes, we won’t tell anyone. You have my word.”

She nudges Will.

“Fine,” he says. His eyes marking his disapproval.

“Thank you.”

“You promise me that she’s not crying over somethingyoudid,” Will says.

“I promise. It has nothing to do with me.”

I look back Maggie’s direction. She’s just staring off into the distance.

“Are you sure she’s okay?” Olivia asks.

“She will be. I’ll make sure.” I give a little nod, and they both wave goodbye.
