Page 13 of Starts with You

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In spite of his assurances, the anxiety that has taken root in my chest only grows stronger as the hours pass with no success in sight. We continue to monitor the target, searching for any weaknesses in their security, but I know the stakes are high, and I can’t afford to fail—not with so many people depending on me.

But finally, after what feels like an eternity, we spot an opportunity. A window of time when the guards will be distracted, giving us a chance to slip past undetected.

We move quickly, taking advantage of the moment. I hold my breath as we make our way through the building, each step bringing us closer to our goal.

And finally, we reach the target’s office. I quickly gather the information we came for, my heart racing as I hear footsteps approaching.

We make it out just in time, slipping back into the shadows as the guards pass by. We escape unnoticed, the mission a success.

As we make our way back to the house I rented, the weight I carried is off my shoulders. We did it.

But my thoughts immediately turn back to Piper, lying in that hospital bed.

Why do I care so much about her?

* * *

Geek4life: The next time you want to break into our company, call me. I will open the front door for you or send you what you need.

Geek4life: What the fuck, Gil?

LoneWolf99: Excuse me?

Geek4life: Don’t play dumb. You broke into the boss’s office.

LoneWolf99: And no one stopped me.

Geek4life: Don’t gloat, I made sure no one caught you. You’re welcome.

LoneWolf99: Why would you do that?

Geek4life: I have the feeling you’re the friendly fire that saved Teddy.

LoneWolf99: Maybe I’m not friendly.

Geek4life: Do you have Piper with you?

LoneWolf99: I do, but you can’t say anything yet. She’s safe.

LoneWolf99: Is there a plan to take down the Zs?

Geek4life: Yes, and since you owe me, I need you to watch the bait.

LoneWolf99: What about your team?

Geek4life: We need three teams, but no one wants to listen to my ideas. They think they know better.

LoneWolf99: So they won’t know I’m helping?

Geek4life: They won’t. Can you do it?

LoneWolf99: Of course, but you have to keep me updated.

Geek4life: Why did you break into the HQ and try to copy our files?

LoneWolf99: I needed a way to track the Zs.

Geek4life: So the enemies of my enemies are my friends?
