Page 14 of Starts with You

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LoneWolf99: You and I are friends. I’m not sure about The Organization.

Geek4life: What do you have against them?

LoneWolf99: I’m trying to figure out their angle. Would they use female operatives to infiltrate a cartel, get romantically involved with one of their men to get information?

Geek4life: What movie did you watch?

LoneWolf99: I’m serious.

Geek4life: That’s not how they operate.

LoneWolf99: Was Piper an operative?

Geek4life: Nope. She’s always been a civilian.

LoneWolf99: A trained civilian?

Geek4life: The short answer is yes. The family trains the children to learn music and martial arts.

LoneWolf99: That’s strange.

Geek4life: Are you going to help The Organization?

LoneWolf99: As long as you don’t tell them I’m there, yes. I’m in.

Geek4life: It’ll be in my best interest that they never find out what’s happening behind the scenes.



After my callwith the kid, I head to the living room of the rental where the team will stay while we’re in Seattle. I don’t care much about this house. It has bold colors, lots of browns and greens, with a few scattered reds. The TV and shelves are dark solid wood that seems to suck in the light from the windows. I can’t wait to get out of here.

When I glance toward the foyer, I find Derek pacing nervously, running his hands through his hair. His eyes look tired, and his back is hunched with worry.

“Glad you’re back,” I say. “What’s eating you?”

“I left Piper alone in that mansion. Couldn’t you set her up in one of the smaller houses? I just feel like she’d be more comfortable there.”

I shake my head. The house in Cherry Hills is one of the most secure ones we have, but I won’t argue about that, so I respond, “Dad called me earlier, letting me know his old nurse was at the mansion to check in on her. She’s in good hands.”

Derek’s eyes burn into mine as he snorts. “If I didn’t know better, I’d believe the rumors.”

“What rumors?” I swallow hard, dreading his response.

“You’re fucking soulless,” he answers.

“Oh, but they’re true,” I say with a shrug. “You need to stop worrying about her and focus on what’s needed. Piper is fine. Dad said he left the phone in her room. Did you tell her?”

“Yes. I mentioned that we’ll be able to communicate.” Derek begins to pace, his brows drawn together in thought.

“Then stop pacing, and let’s get to work,” I order, desperate to shift the conversation away from her.

“What’s the plan?”

I grin before telling him how we’re having to do less than what we would normally be doing at this point. We have access to their whereabouts, but we need to be ready for anything. The plan is to drive to California. I think it’s stupid, but I’ll let them go with the notion that the Zs will follow them. We split into several teams. The first one flies to the border of Washington and Oregon, where they’ll wait for my orders.

Another will be watching Seth and Teddy by air. While Seth was in the hospital picking up Teddy, I set up a tracker on his car, so we don’t lose him. I can follow close enough, but he’ll never notice me.
