Page 15 of Starts with You

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I’m not surprised no one follows them. The Zs are probably in Seattle waiting for some obvious sign that they’re alive. I send a message to the kid.

LoneWolf99: You’re not going to catch anything with your bait.

Geek4life: We noticed.

Geek4life: Any suggestions?

LoneWolf99: They have to be in the open. Let the Zs know their whereabouts.

Geek4life: I was just telling them that. We should open a social media account and show the world they’re having a blast traveling throughout the country.

LoneWolf99: What’s stopping you?

Geek4life: I’m working on it, but I need a guarantee that you’ll be there to cover them if my team doesn’t get there on time.

LoneWolf99: Which is why you should have two or three teams.

Geek4life: We have you, don’t we?

LoneWolf99: They’ll be safe. Have them come out into the open. Tomorrow should be a good day to hunt the Zs.

Geek4life: They’re in. I trust them with you.

* * *

It’s not a failure,I repeat myself.

We consider the first day a dress rehearsal—like walking onto a stage before the curtain opens. Seth and Teddy stay the night in Happy Springs, a town that’s two hours east of Portland. Derek, Walter, and I stop by the isolated cabin Seth visited earlier. The place where he exchanged cars and grabbed a couple of automatic weapons. We circle around a couple of times but don’t go inside. The place is almost as secure as my house in Heartwood Lake.

If I go inside, they’ll catch us. This confirms my theory. The Organization has a branch in Oregon.

Walter suggests staying close to them for the night. Derek disagrees. “The town has plenty of people to defend them. It’s better if we stay in Portland, so no one notices us.”

The two-hour drive to the city exhausts me. If nothing happens at this stop, I might rent a helicopter to take us to our destination—San Francisco.

When we arrive at the hotel, I’m thankful for technology and apps allowing us to check in without having to talk to any employees. I fix my cap and make my way toward the stairs.

“We could’ve stayed at a Merkel hotel,” Derek grumbles as we make our way to our rooms.

I know it’s one of his favorite places, and I would love for him to be comfortable, but I can’t afford any mistakes. According to my research, the owner has close ties with The Organization. I can’t take any chances. Though I don’t say anything.

“Knock on my door before you do anything stupid,” Derek warns me.

Walter snorts. “We should chain him to his bed.”

“You’d need to buy me dinner if you want me tied to your bed,” I joke. “I doubt your wife will approve.”

Derek flashes a mirthless smile as his eyes travel over my face. Does he wish to chain me to his bed? I don’t know if that’s something I would entertain, but I wouldn’t mind fucking him senseless.

“I’ll be fine,” I reassure him, shaking the thoughts out of my head. I can leave them for later, while I’m in the shower jerking off and thinking of him.

I can sense the worry emanating from Derek.

“The Zs are the only thing that makes you lose your cool,” he says, his voice lowered. “We can’t help but be concerned.”

I try to laugh it off, but I know he’s right, and I can’t deny it. This operation is more important than almost any other mission I’ve ever had, and I’m determined to do whatever it takes to achieve success—even if it means weeks of hard labor.

My fingers twitch in anticipation, as I promise myself I won’t lose my head this time.
