Page 80 of Starts with You

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I did it—and I hate you for it.

I followed your fucking advice and proposed to go on a date with Derek Farrow. You must be happy wherever you are because I’m back to not having anyone’s support. Sure, my family is there for me, but with him, things were different.

He doesn’t want us to be friends anymore. I think it’s because he thinks I’m still hung up on a dead man.

Can you just drag your ass back? I know I’m not being gentle today. I’m mad at you because your letter fucked with my life and also… I keep feeling you around me. Every time I’m in the subway, I know you’re there. Why do I feel like you’re following me?

Seth thinks I’m crazy. If I end up in the looney house, I’m going to be mad at you. Just show up, okay.

Love always,




I’m so mad at you… when you come back we’re going to have a big fight. That letter telling us to date unleashed the four horses of the apocalypse. Well, not that but things are spiraling out of control. I’m trying to be all upbeat and shit, but I’m losing the last strand of sanity I have left while trying to figure out how to get Seth out of dating Coco LeBlanc.

If anything happens, it’s on you, ARCHER ORSON ST. JAMES.

Come home soon.




I left them.

Who, you might ask… Well, Finnegan and Derek.

I wish I had stayed, because I was getting to know the real Finnegan Gil. He’s smart, grouchy, but with a good heart underneath all the bitterness. I could’ve fallen in love with him. Who am I kidding… I’m pretty sure I do love him, but he has a wife and a kid.

A fucking wife and a kid!

Who is Finnegan Gil? That’s you after losing your memory and not coming back home. It’s you after leaving me waiting for you for so long…

It’s you without me.

I met his little boy, Milo, and knowing you started a family without me cut me deep.

You read that right. You moved on without me and I have been waiting for years because I knew you were alive. I thought you would come back to me… but you went to her.

Where do I go from here?

I don’t know. This is the first day of my new life.

Love always,



