Page 94 of Starts with You

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“Everything looks dated,” he goes on, “and you have too many pictures of me. We should create new memories with the three of us and…” He winks playfully. “Did I ever record videos of you and me… doing more adult-ish things?”

My mouth opens agape, and thankfully, Derek enters the room, carrying some of the bags. “No worries, babe, I got the luggage,” he grunts as he sets them down.

Finn picks up Halsey’s kennel and says, “You told me to take care of our girls and then go back to help you. I was about to head to the garage.”

Derek glares at him. “Uh-huh,” he says and heads back out.

Finn gives me a quick peck on the lips before following Derek. “I’ll be right back. Let me help our man. He can take down bad guys by himself, but can’t handle the luggage on his own,” he says with a chuckle.

I laugh and take Halsey’s kennel from him so I can set her in the mudroom where she sleeps every night when we’re in Seattle. I take her out and open the door to the backyard so she can stretch her paws. When I come back, I see them.

Finn and Derek in the center of the living room, locked in a passionate embrace.

Their kiss is unlike any other I’ve seen. It’s more than lips pressing together, hands sliding and bodies grinding.

It’s a connection full of emotion and sparks of love.

Standing there, watching how their lips move in perfect harmony, doesn’t feel wrong, it’s more like being a part of them, even though I’m not in between them. I understand now why Finn stayed to watch us last night. He shared our moment from afar and loved us as much as we were loving each other.

As I watch their lips move, I can hear the perfect melody play in my head. It’s a song with notes of passion, craving, and forever mixed all in one. I’m so focused on their faces that it takes me time to notice Finn’s hand waving at me, inviting me over to them.

I move closer, and they stop, taking me inside the cocoon they created. “Hey,” he says, resting his forehead on mine. Derek’s hands wrap around my waist. “What are the plans for today?”

Giving him a chaste kiss, I smile. “Well… you have to be at your brothers’ penthouse in one hour for lunch—apparently, you promised to give them more time once you were back here.”

He nods. “How do they know I’m in Seattle?”

“While you were flying, I was making a few calls, sending messages, and…” I shrug.

“Are you two coming with me?” he asks.

“Nope. D and I are going to check on our properties. We’re not sure what we’ll be doing with the practice, but we want to see what we’re working with. We literally abandoned them for a few years,” I respond, moving away from their embrace before I ask them to fuck me.

Though I want that very much, I don’t think we’re ready for it just yet, or are we?

“Okay, let me take a shower and get ready to meet with my brothers. I’ll text you both as soon as I’m done with them, and we can plan the rest of the day.”

I give him an almost apologetic smile.


“You’re visiting Zach and Burke for dinner—if you want, we can join you,” I offer. “You’ll be meeting their families.”

“They live together?”

I shake my head. “Nope, next to each other. It’s not far from here,” I offer as if that makes it easier.

“But that’s it for today, isn’t it?”

I nod.

“What else do you have for me, Piper?”

I grin. “Breakfast with your Dad tomorrow, and Fletcher will be here at noon.”

He actually smiles at the last one. “Fletcher St. James is visiting me. Can we just start with him so I can talk sports and just—”

“Nope,” I stop him before he convinces me with those playful eyes. “We’re keeping the best for last. Fletch and Teddy.”
