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We arrive at an airstrip I’ve never been to before. A private jet stands tall, glimmering in the moonlight. Ansel guides us on board and excuses himself to a back room with no explanation. As the engines roar to life I’m overcome with a sense of dread, but soon we are gliding through clouds, flying further away from home.

When we land, we’re not at a hangar or an international airport. Instead, we find ourselves on a remote landing strip nestled between evergreens.

“Where are we?” I ask at the same time Lake says with urgency, “I need to go home.”

“Welcome to Heartwood Lake, Colorado,” Ansel says.

I try not to glare at him or snap, but I can’t help myself. “Where the fuck did you take us?”

Lake looks around and shakes her head. “I need to go home,” she insists.

“Don’t get snippy with me,” Ansel warns me. “I did what you requested. I saved your ass and made sure no one found out. Do you think it was easy to convince my bosses to get you into this program?”

I blink a couple of times. “What program?”

“Endor Concealment,” Ansel responds. “This is a private WITSEC run by Crait Quantum Shield, a high intelligence security company, and the sheriff of this town.”

“I don’t need to be in WITSEC,” I argue.

He pats my shoulder. “Oh, but you do.” He tilts his head. “Follow me. The Boss wants to discuss the next steps with you.”

I grab Lake’s hand and we make our way to a golf cart. Under different circumstances, I would joke about the setting. Is this a prank? Ansel used to be part of the FBI and my partner, and in our spare time, we used to play practical jokes on each other. However, Ans left the FBI a few years ago and now works for a private company. I assume it’s Crait Quantum Shield—I've never heard of them before.

Lake groans. “I need a phone.”

Ansel shakes his head and gives me an exasperated look. “You waited so many years, and now…”

“Leave it,” I say.

“I’m not sure what you two are talking about, but I need to go home—or at least get to a phone,” she insists.

“Once you’re here, you can’t leave or contact anyone,” Ansel warns her.

“We’ll figure this out,” I say to Lake reassuringly, but her eyes flicker with anger and annoyance. Doesn’t she get that we were almost killed, and that her life is in danger?

Speaking of danger, I remember that I’m not the only Thorndale who should be under Ansel’s protection. “Where’s my family?”

“They’re already in their cabins resting,” Ansel responds. “Lake, does anyone know you’re with Callahan?”

She shakes her head, but she’s looking at the trees. There’s no way for me to know if she’s lying or not.

“Maybe we can send you home—if no one can trace you to the Thorndale family.”

Lake snorts. “I know how to keep myself invisible. Just let me go back home,” she insists.

* * *

We arrive at a conference room,and my gaze is immediately drawn to the two imposing figures standing in front of the giant screens on the wall.

“Boss, he’s here,” Ansel announces.

The older man turns around and I pause for a beat. He towers above my six three, his piercing dark eyes scanning me from head to toe. His furrowed brow might indicate he’s all business. The second man, who is younger and just as tall, finally turns to look at us. His silver eyes narrow as they study Lake and then me.

“I don’t think we need to be in WITSEC, sir, but I appreciate your help,” I say to no one in particular. My voice exudes confidence and authority.

But deep down, I’m terrified. The thought of having to uproot my life, leave everything behind, and go into hiding is overwhelming. I never imagined I’d find myself in this situation.

“You need it,” he says, his eyes piercing mine. “My gut says you’re underestimating the DiGiacomo Family. There’s a rumor they have informants from organizations—including the FBI. If you go back…” He waves his hand dismissively. “You won’t survive more than a day.”
