Page 111 of Face Off Flirting

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“That’s not your problem.”

“I have no clue why I’m going along with this.”

April walked toward me and put her hands to my chest. “Because you know you’re long overdue for some fun that doesn’t involve hockey.”

For a moment I thought about grabbing her wrists and pulling her against me.

You want some fun, April? Huh?

I’ll give you some fun, babe.

Just you and me in my bed for about three days straight.


“Okay, big guy, get out there and get laid!” April yelled.

She backed away and started to clap for me.

I shook my head, grabbed my phone and left the apartment.

When I shut the door, I heard April on the other side.

She locked it.

I still had the chance to turn around, unlock the door, and make my move.

With Andy’s sister? Really?

I looked at my phone.


April set the whole thing up through a dating app using my information.

Now I was out on my own to meet up with Emilia.

A match made in heaven?

One night of some wild fun?

Or would I just be thinking about April the entire time?

“Only one way to find out,” I said out loud.

She worea long dress down to her ankles.

Obviously no bra, not that I could help myself from looking.

Red hair cut just below her ears.

Patches of freckles on her cheeks.

Brown glasses.

A cute smile.

I extended my hand to her after I pointed to her seat.
