Page 191 of Face Off Flirting

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“Goodbye only exists in the physical realm.”

I nodded and backed away.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to miss Sabrina or not.

Not that it mattered.

I had a much bigger issue lingering.

I really didn’t knowwhat the plan would be.

I somehow settled on the idea of just packing up and getting out of Seb’s place.

Then talking to him.

Just keeping it all casual.

After all, it wasn’t like I actually lived with him.

We weren’t a couple. We weren’t serious. We weren’t anything.

Just two people who knew each other for a long time and finally decided to jump into bed together. All those lingering feelings and years finally getting the attention they deserved and needed.

It was perfect.

When my heart told me to cry over the idea of not being near Seb every day, I told my heart to shut up.

Seb didn’t sign up for this.

He was only supposed to help for a little while.

The sex was a bonus.

But it wasn’t like he had ever been aone-woman-man.

Especially now in the off-season?

Take today as an example.

He was on the beach with some of the guys from his team.

They were probably drinking, flirting with half naked women, enjoying the life.

If anything, I was in the way.

Just like the night Seb tried to bring someone home andthe blue braincident happened.

No more blue bra.

At least from me.

I mean, other women probably wore blue bras.

But those Seb would be taking off those women.

I had my bags near the door and I walked into the bathroom to calm down a sudden rush of jealousy.

That’s when I heard the door open and shut.
