Page 190 of Face Off Flirting

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Then he started to cough.

“Holy shit!” he yelled. “Thought I was going to pass out there!”

To my left I saw Sabrina standing outside, also on the phone.

“Look, I’m just messing around,” Dale said. “I called to tell you some good news.”


“Pack your bags, April. You’re coming home!”

“I’m doing what?”

“The gig is over down there. Enough with her. You’re right. She’s a nightmare. You’ve been doing stellar work for her on behalf of us. Great stuff, April. Everyone has taken notice. Not to mention the patience you’ve shown. Me personally? I would have tossed her into the ocean a long time ago.”

Dale laughed.

I didn’t.

He cleared his throat. “So, yeah. Pack up. Get back up here. You’ve earned yourself a couple days off to clear your head. Then it’s right back to work.”

“What about her contract? What about the money? What about…”

“You don’t need to worry about that,” Dale said. “Hey, since when do women worry about money, right? You all just love to spend it. Right?”

He laughed again.

I did not laugh again.

“You did nothing wrong here, April. That’s why I’m calling. This is a big deal. This phone call. I hope you appreciate it. Talk soon.”

Never a goodbye from Dale either.

Just a hang up.

I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to do now.

But I wasn’t going to just drive away.

I approached Sabrina.

Her call ended too.

She opened her arms and came at me for a big hug.

How does she know?

“You’re an amazing person, April,” Sabrina said. “You’ve got a future brighter than ten suns.”


Sabrina broke the hug and held my shoulders. “That was the bigwig. The owner. Spooky, huh? Big tough guy. He cancelled our contract. Said we weren’t compatible.”

“I’m sorry, Sabrina. My boss just called to say the same thing. I can give you everything I made. I’ll just say I lost it.”

Sabrina shook her head. “I’ll never settle and decide on one thing. I never have. I thought I could this time. You were patient. Perfect. You’re a steal. The catch of all catches. I hope the man you’re with knows that. I hope you know that. Whoever this man is… his energy is all over you.”

“I guess this is goodbye then.”
