Page 20 of Face Off Flirting

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A real man.

He’s taller, bigger, stronger.

He’s sexier than ever.

He’s got some scruff on his face.

Not annoying scruff that needs to be shaved, but enough to dig your nails into it when you’re-

“That’s enough,” I whispered to my reflection. “How are you helping right now?”

I shrugged at myself.

My reflection.

I then realized I was going insane.

Because of Sebastian.

My Sebby.

I had to pee really bad now.

I cupped my hands under the running water and almost splashed my face.

Then I remembered I did have a little bit of makeup on.

“Shoot,” I whispered.

I left the water running, dried my hands, and went pee.

I stared at the door the entire time.

Wondering what Seb was doing out there.

On the balcony still?

Pacing his apartment?

Wanting to kick in the bathroom door and catch me?

Catch me going pee?

I shook my head.

All I knew was that growing up, Seb was the absolute hottest guy in the world.

Five years older than me and forever protecting me.

No matter how much of a pain in the ass I was to him and my brother.

Andy had no problem telling me to leave them alone.

Seb always found a soft spot in his heart for me.

One time some jerk in middle school tried to spread a rumor about my chest.

I developed very late.
