Page 21 of Face Off Flirting

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So late that… yeah… I saw Seb looking at my chest for a second.

Not that I could blame him.

I had been ‘unblessed’ right up until about my twentieth birthday.

Then all of a sudden - BAM! - there they were.

Handful sized boobs.

Like… whoa…

Anyway - back to the story.

So this idiot bully told a few people that I had some disease that made it so I couldn’t grow boobs. Something really dumb to look back on but in the moment it felt horrible. Middle school was by far the worst when it came to the whole ‘changing bodies’ thing.

In gym class, the jerk bully handed me a pump… like one you’d use to fill up a basketball or a volleyball.

He announced to everyone that I could try to use that on my chest.

After school Seb saw me walking home, crying.

He pulled over in his beat-up sports car.

He wanted to know what happened.

I told him.

Seb being Seb, he didn’t say a word about me or my body.

He just went into protection mode.

The next morning, he waited at that bully’s bus stop.

Just to scare him.

Then he waited outside the middle school, sitting on the hood of his car, after school, waiting for me.

When I got out of school, I ran to his car.

Seb told me to get inside.

When he spotted that bully…

He made the bully apologize to me.

Then Seb made the bully climb up on the roof of the car and announce to everyone that he was an asshole.

Teachers yelled at the bully.

Seb told him not to move.

The bully then announced that he secretly had a crush on me and was jealous because I’d never go out with him.

That part wasn’t true, but it was fun to hear.

Then Seb grabbed the bully from the roof of the car and held him in the air with ease.

A worried crowd gathered around.
