Page 202 of Face Off Flirting

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Play with my hair and I’m going to fall asleep in a second.

Which I promptly did.

Here I thought we were going to have a wild night but it turned out to be calm, peaceful, and romantic as anything.

I still couldn’t process the idea that Seb had fallen in love with me.

Morning came and I woke up to a shirtless Seb, sitting up in bed.

Now that was the kind of sight a woman could get used to for her entire life.

“Sebby,” I whispered.

He looked down at me.

No secrets to hide, his eyes told me he had been doing some serious thinking.

Which meant he had been awake for more than a minute or two.

I reached out and touched his chest.

Muscle. So much muscle.

I traced a line up to his steel cut jaw.

“Breakfast,” he said. “You and me, babe. I know a great place.”

“Oh? Is that like a reward for women who sleep over?”

Seb grinned. “You’re lucky I’m even talking to you, April. After last night? Falling asleep? Leaving me hanging?”

I gently slapped his face. “Thanks for that reminder.”

He grabbed me and hugged me. “I’m joking. Now let’s get out of here.”

It didn’t even take us five minutes to leave his apartment.

I felt like a walking zombie.

My hair a mess. My eyes still groggy. My breath full of sleep.

I managed to go pee and put on shoes. That was it.

Seb put on a shirt.

He took me to some small place that looked more like a house than a business.

It didn’t even have a normalbusiness styledoor.

The door was a screen door to a house.

The second I opened it and smelled the sweetness of pancakes and the slight bitters of coffee and the salty tang of bacon, I felt right at home.

I thought I was going to start drooling on the spot.

“Hey, Seb! Haven’t seen you a while!”

“Been busying playing hockey,” Seb called out.
