Page 212 of Face Off Flirting

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My head and heart decided on the same thing.

He’s here.

My ex is here.

That damn psycho somehow tracked me here.

He was the one at the door and now he’s fighting with Seb.

Except… there was no fighting Seb.

Seb would destroy my ex in seconds.

Another hard thud against the wall shook the bedroom.

I instantly started to panic.

This was not Seb’s problem.

It was not fair to him to have this happen.

I hurried to the door, wearing nothing but the comforter from Seb’s bed.

I couldn’t think straight.

Every fantasy possible was finally coming true. Yet it came with this storm cloud that found its way to me.

I opened the door and stepped out of the bedroom.

Just in time to see a shirtless Seb being thrown against a wall.

The thud echoed.

Seb pushed from the wall and lunged forward.

“I’ll fucking kill you for touching her!”

I quickly realized it was not my psycho ex.

Seb grabbed my brother by the shirt and threw him against the wall.

“You need to calm down, Andy,” Seb said.

My heart sank and my legs turned to ice.

Frozen in place.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Andy yelled. “Huh? Her clothes are all over the floor. You’re wearing nothing but shorts. And don’t think I can’t smell sex.”

Andy pushed from the wall, his right hand balled up into a fist.

“Andy!” I cried out. “What are you doing?”

My brother stopped and turned.

One look at me…

Even Seb’s eyes grew wide.
