Page 23 of Face Off Flirting

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“Do you want a drink, April?” Seb’s voice echoed.

“Yes!” I cried out.

I covered my mouth.

Seb appeared again.

One eyebrow raised.

He saw me covering my mouth.

Feeling two inches tall?

Now it was one inch tall.

When I yelled the wordYes!,it was more orgasmic than a genericyesbecause Seb offered me a drink.

I felt like I was in big trouble.

“What’s your poison?” Seb called out. “Beer? Wine? Whiskey? Water? Soda?”

Seb appeared once again, two beer bottles in his right hand.

“That’s fine,” I said. “Totally fine.”

He nodded and walked toward me.

I reached for him but he breezed right by me.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Since you gave me shit about not using my balcony, that’s where I’m going,” he said without looking back. “Join me.”

I followed Seb, doing my best to keep my tongue from wagging out of my mouth.

The guy wore jeans, okay?

And his dark gray t-shirt hovered halfway against the belt loops.

Which meant… his ass… in jeans…

His powerful legs meant a powerful ass.

April, stop it.

You just said the words ‘powerful ass’ together.

Outside on the balcony, Seb opened the two beers and handed me one.

“Cheers, April,” he said.

“Cheers,Sebby,” I said.

One sip in, Seb started to laugh.

“What?” I asked, fearing something was wrong with me.

“Nah, nothing,” he said.
