Page 37 of Face Off Flirting

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My mind thought about Seb, sex toys, things I said… things he said…

Seb elbowed me. “Hey. Relax. We’re just messing around. Take a deep breath.”

“Yeah, okay.”

“It’s good to see you, April. All grown up. And just… everything. I mean it. I’m sorry that place today was such a shit hole. There was no way you were going to the live there.”

“Of course not,” I said. “From the second I smelled it, I knew. I should have known by the price. Or seeing the guy.Rick.”

“Then why did you walk through the entire place if you knew you weren’t going to live there?”

I didn’t respond.

“Ah, right,” Seb said. “Same old,Auggie. A pain in the ass. You refused to admit I was right.”

“Okay, Seb. That’s enough for one day and night here. I need to focus. I have a big day tomorrow.”

Just as Seb leaned forward and started to stand, Steph texted to our group message.

An emoji of an eggplant and a peach.

Then came the text.

Did you fuck your brother’s best friend yet? (That’s so HOT to type out!)

Seb looked at me.

He started to laugh.

He stood up, shaking his head, chuckling all the way to his bedroom.

I almost thought about leaving to go live in the smelly, cockroach-infested apartment.

Chapter Seven


When April walkedtoward the apartment door, I thought about her as a nerdy thirteen-year-old, mouth full of braces, messy hair, panicking over her science presentation because their family dog -Lucy- pissed all over her notecards the night before.

The thing was - April didn’t need the notecards.

She had practiced her presentation for hours.

She said it all so much I ended up remembering stuff about the nucleus of a cell and something called mitochondria.

I had scarfed down a bowl of cereal for breakfast because my house had no food.

Andy had taken off early to beg for forgiveness for failing a math test.

I found April on the porch, crying.


I insisted on driving her to school.

I put the windows down, turned up some classic rock, and sped.

She loved it as much as she hated it.
