Page 6 of Logan

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And his sexy good looks? Well, I considered them to be a fringe benefit. No matter how surly the man was, he still played a leading role in my nightly fantasies.

I wasn’t sure what that said about me.

The morning went on in a mostly uneventful fashion. Logan stayed in his office, responding to inter-company emails and taking a conference call just before lunch. He didn’t call me into his office to take his lunch order like he usually did. Today, Hayden showed up and insisted on taking him out for a meal. This was also unusual, and my curiosity was officially piqued.

While they were gone, my cell phone rang. I tried not to take personal calls at work, but when I saw my mother’s name on the caller ID, I answered.

“Hey, mom,” I said, cradling the phone between my shoulder and my ear while I stood at the filing cabinet behind my desk and flicked through the folders, looking for one that Logan would need this afternoon. “What’s up?”

“Where do you keep your teabags?” she asked.

“Right where you’d expect them to be,” I replied. “In the cabinet next to the coffee that I showed you yesterday.”

There was a brief pause, and I heard movement on the other end of the line.

“Oh, I found them. That’s good.” She exhaled a sigh of relief. “I was worried you didn’t have any.”

I smiled slightly. I wasn’t going to tell her that I bought a box of her favorite tea just for her when we decided she would be moving into my apartment last week. She wouldn’t be happy that I’d gone to the trouble since she already felt like a burden for needing to live in her daughter’s spare bedroom.

“I’m glad you found them,” I said. “Honey is on the same shelf. Did you need anything else?”

“Do you think you’ll be home for dinner tonight?” she asked. “I was planning to make baked chicken.”

That was another thing that I liked the most about working at this office. Logan was a hard worker and demanded the same from his employees, but he was firm about quitting time. We left the office every day at five in the evening, no matter what work there was still left to be done. Logan had quickly taught me that there was nothing at the office so important that it couldn’t wait until tomorrow.

“I’ll be home,” I said, closing the filing cabinet with the file I needed in hand, and resuming my seat at my desk. “You know I’d never pass up a home cooked meal.”

“Well, it’s the least I can do, since you’re letting me stay for a while.”

“You don’t have to do anything, Mom.”

I’d told her this before, but I knew her well enough to be sure that she wouldn’t listen. She was stubborn like that.

“I know, but I want to. Just be home by six.”

We hung up the phone and I leaned back in my chair, letting out a long sigh. My mother had always been a hard-worker, and that led her to opening her own antiquities store a few years ago. It was supposed to be her chance to be her own boss, do her own thing. She’d been so proud of her accomplishment.

The problem was that she’d trusted the wrong person to be her business partner. The woman screwed her over a few months ago, disappearing and leaving my mom with a mountain of debt. It got so bad that she lost her home, and I quickly offered her a place to stay until she was able to get back on her feet again.

I would do whatever I could to help her out. The woman already sacrificed so much to raise me as a single parent when my dad neglected to even pay a dime in child support. Now, I saw it as my turn to provide for her in her time of need.

The elevator doors opened, and I straightened in my seat as Hayden and Logan stepped out.

“I can’t believe you did that,” Logan said to Hayden in a testy tone as they passed by my desk. “I never would have gone to lunch with you if I’d known what a pain in the ass you would be.”

“That woman was already checking you out and giving off interested vibes,” Hayden replied. “Would it have really been so bad to ask her to help you out?”

Logan let out a sound similar to a growl and glared at his brother. “I haven’t agreed to grandpa’s stipulation,” he said.

I listened closely, hoping that he’d elaborate, but at that moment, his gaze shifted to me.

He scowled and returned his eyes to Hayden. “Let’s talk about this later.”


I didn’t get to witness a lot of office drama sitting outside of Logan’s office all day, and I’d been hoping to learn something interesting.

Was Hayden trying to set Logan up? In the two years that I’d been his assistant, Logan had dated a few women, but they never lasted long. Just when it seemed that a relationship might have a future, he’d abruptly end things.

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