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“Sweet girl, I’m so fucking proud of you.” He reached to trace a finger gently over the dark spot at the front of the satin. “So wet for me, like you’ve been waiting for me to touch you.”

She moaned at his touch so he repeated it with a little more pressure. Her legs were trapped by the fabric around her knees, which was exactly in line with his plans for her. She had to learn to trust him for her pleasure. Trust him for everything.

This was only the first step.

“Here are the rules. I ask a question and when you answer, you get a reward. Then you ask a question, and when I answer, I get a reward.”

“What if I don’t want to answer?” she said, trying valiantly to focus when he was rubbing so gently on the wet satin.

“That’s not an option. We’re going to be one hundred percent open and truthful, nothing held back. For either of us.”

Magnus knew he might be getting himself in over his head, but he couldn’t stand the idea that she might hide any part of herself from him. Being a dominant wasn’t about some arbitrary idea of fair, anyway, but it was about being honest.

She studied him closely, then nodded. “Okay. I’m in.”

“Sparkles, you have no idea.” His wicked grin made her bite her lip and moan, and he knew he had her. “I’ll start. Question one: What color are your nipples?”

Instinctively, she raised her hands to her breasts, cupping them like an offering because her hands weren’t big enough to cover them completely.

“No hesitating, sweetheart. If you do, you earn a swat on the ass.”

The same way she’d covered her tits, her hands went to her ass. “A spanking?”

“If I’m lucky, your ass’ll be the same color as your sweater by the time the game is over.”

“You are a very bad man,” she said breathlessly.

“Then you’d better be a very good girl to make up for it. Now… what color are your nipples?”

She paused again, testing him.

With a simple tug forward, he pulled her off balance so that she was pressed against his front, but unable to move away with her legs trapped in her trousers. Her ass was fully exposed in those pretty panties and they were no barrier when his hand crashed down on the thin fabric.

Her shocked gasp was like sweet music.

“I can’t believe you didn’t even make it past one question without a consequence, sparkles.” He righted her, then gave her chin a gentle pinch. “Anything to say?”

“Pink!” she nearly shouted. “They’re pink.”

Magnus grinned. “That’s what I hoped you’d say. All right, your turn.”

“I... I have no idea what to ask you.”

“You could ask what color my nipples are,” he teased.

She sniffed and tilted up her nose at him. “That would be cheating. I have to think of my own question.”

“Don’t take too long, though, or you’ll get another swat.”

“I’m starting to think you proposed this game just so you could spank me.”

“I knew you were a smart woman.”

“Okay, I have one. Have you been to that sex club where Jenn works?”

Magnus laughed. “What makes you ask that? I’m not evading the question - I’ll answer it. I’m just curious.”

“You mentioned hard and soft limits and safe words earlier. You have a nipple ring.”
