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“It’s a bar,” he corrected. “Gets caught on fewer things that way, but go ahead.”

“You seem to know an awful lot about sex toys and…” She faltered a bit, but plucked up her courage and continued. “And you spank me.”

“And all those things make you think I’m into BDSM?”

She nodded, biting her bottom lip.

“Good call, Greer.” He spread out his arms, the reach showing his tremendous height and bulk. “When a sub trusts me enough to give over control, it’s almost as good as an orgasm. I like being in control of her pleasure. And her pain.” He reached down to circle the wet spot on her panties again. “Does that scare you or turn you on?”

“Is that your question?”

“Yes, it is. Now answer it.”

“It turns me on. I’ve never done anything like this before, but I feel safe with you.”

Magnus’ heart gave a mighty beat that spread tingling warmth throughout his body. Like his soul had an orgasm without bothering to involve his dick. Because what she’d said transcended sex.

Fuck. Magnus Lundgren was in love.

“There’s my sparkle girl.”

When she popped up on her toes to meet his kiss, he tasted her acceptance and trust. If there was any desperation in it, it came from him because he was madly, wildly, desperately in love with her.

He slipped his fingers down the front of her panties and right into the slick heat that coated her lips. Years of personal discipline and self-control dropped away and he barely remembered to coat his hand in the silky liquid that flowed from her before sliding his finger up into her pussy as deep as it could go.

She mewled into his mouth and he wanted to hear it again, so he pulled out and fucked back into her with two fingers. The hot, velvet clamp of her pussy walls had his balls pulling up tight, ready to blow without so much as unzipping his jeans.

“So fucking tight. Am I hurting you, baby? Did I go too fast?”

Greer shook her head frantically and pushed down into his palm. “More. Please, more.”

With the heel of his palm, he pressed against the little nub that had swollen out of its hood and circled.

Her eyes and mouth went wide as her body convulsed in waves that were echoed in her cunt.

“Fuck yes, Greer. Come on my hand, baby. Get me soaking wet, sweetheart.”

She didn’t scream his name because she didn’t seem to have any air left to make sounds other than little squeaking gasps. He didn’t know how long they hung on that pinnacle, and he began to feel concerned about another asthma attack, until her gasps turned into harsh breaths. She slumped against him, her body wracked with shivers.

He gently slipped his fingers out of her quivering cunt and she moaned, but didn’t move as he tugged her underwear halfway down her thighs. With careful attention to placement, he attached a slim silicone butterfly to the sodden gusset with a magnet. Then he dropped a quick kiss on her sensitive lips before pulling the fabric back into place. With a final pat on her pussy that made her jerk with aftershocks, he slid her pants up and fastened them.

“Poor sweet girl with her panties all cum soaked. It won’t be very comfortable, but it’ll remind you that your cunt is mine. Mine to play with and pleasure whenever I want, right?”

Greer nodded sleepily. “What about you?”

Magnus grimaced at the dampness that coated the inside of his boxer briefs. He’d come in his jeans like a horny high schooler, but despite the stickiness, he didn’t regret it for a moment. “Don’t worry about me, sparkles. I get my pleasure by making sure you get what you need.”

The game laid by the wayside, the sat together in the wide window seat and just breathed each other in until the world needed them again.


The first time her panties buzzed, Greer came to full stop on her way to check on the food table.

She’d gone through the motions of finishing the set up in a pretty, golden pink haze of happiness. Magnus had mumbled something about going to change, so she’d quickly filled gift bags with bright paper, candy, and sex toys. Then she made a lovely basket for the bride that she tucked away in a small closet that Kyle showed her just outside the room.

When she felt the vibration, she nearly choked.

Sure, she’d known something was in there, but she was distracted by the aftermath of a truly life-altering orgasm so she hadn’t paid attention to what he was doing with her clothing. The moments after she’d reached her peak were fuzzy, at best. She’d felt cared for, coddled and adored. She’d been completely fulfilled, and for the first time, loved.
