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The soft smile he’d given her before turned sharp and hungry. “Phase One accomplished. Now, are you going to stay with me forever, Greer Holloway? Will you be my wife and marry a grumpy, one-eyed Marine?”

“Answer my question first,” she responded, her heart thumping in her chest. “Do you love me, Magnus Lundgren?”

“With everything in me, sparkles. With all my battered heart.”

“Then yes, I’ll marry you. Because I love you and your grumpiness and your one perfect eye. I know you well enough to love that you’re strong enough to be my man, because a knight in battered armor is the one who was strong enough to survive the battle.” Regardless of his command, she wiggled her hips over his again, sucking the tip of his cock into her wet, needy heat. “Anything you want, my love. Forever.”

The stretch of his thickness pushing into her, inch by inch, was the sweetest burn. Every thrust opened her further than before until she felt his balls pressed against her ass.

“Holy fuck, Greer.” His voice was hushed, his blue eye a bright light in the shadows before he lowered his forehead to hers. “Holy fuck.”

She would have echoed the sentiment, but his dick was lodged so far up her pussy, it seemed as if she could feel him in her throat. Holy fuck, indeed.

He pulled out until only the thick, blunt end of his cock spread the clutching rim of her cunt and shoved back in without pause.

In the fading recesses of her rational mind, she knew their fucking wouldn’t always be this fast and hard, but it was exactly what they needed for their first time. This rough and desperate need to merge themselves together, this pounding, sweaty urgency to combine their souls until they were one self, no longer their own, but something stronger.

Her filthy talking man had lost his profane eloquence and could only stare into her eyes wordlessly, his every desire written on his face, speech unnecessary.

So she said the words for him ? a mantra that gathered meaning with every utterance.

“Love you. Love you, love you, love you.”

With each deep thrust, she repeated it. With each touch of his hand on her breast, on her cheek, low on her belly where their children would grow, she repeated it.

“Love you,” he replied as he came inside her, his ecstasy throwing her over the edge to meet him as they fell through the flames together.

And before she closed her eyes to sleep safe in his arms, she heard him whisper it again.

Love you.


One week later…

Stephanie’s wedding had gone off without a hitch.

Well, there had been the incident with the ring bearer telling the flower girl to hurry, then the flower girl had turned around and hurled her entire basket of petals at him and… yeah.

She really didn’t want to have children as part of her own wedding party. Guests, sure. After all, she thought as she laid a hand low on her belly, there was a better than even chance that there’d be one sneaking in under her dress, especially if she and Magnus kept up their current condom-free activities.

Aside from navigating an intense new relationship, there was a lot going on in their individual lives right now. She was settling into her business, and several people had reached out to her since her quick thinking to save the bachelorette party had become a topic of conversation.

Tonight was also the official opening of The Grange, so her grumpy, dominant Marine had a lot on his plate, as well.

It didn’t stop them from spending every possible moment together, and as many of those moments as possible were naked. Which reminded her that she had to write a thank-you email to Jenn. Those toys had been key elements of the games they played.

It was such a glorious spring day, she decided to walk the two blocks between the church and The Grange, past the lovely, old fashioned houses that surrounded the cozy downtown area.

A for sale sign fluttered in the breeze and she paused. It was a large, elegant house, two stories high with tall, windows at every room. The sign said, “Recently refinished!” with a Tower Construction flag next to it. They’d been the ones to fix up the Grange, so she knew the work would be solid.

For a moment, she closed her eyes and imagined children trooping out the front door to tumble into a mini-van, carpooling to school. Or giggling as they ran through autumn leaves in Halloween costumes. A big dog slept on the front porch next to the swing where she and Magnus sat together, their hair touched with gray, their arms around each other as they watched the world go by. Together.

Her hand went to her waist again.

Maybe. Someday. When their lives calmed down, even though she knew “someday” was a lie people told themselves all the time.

The front door opened and one of the local realtors stepped out while a man held open the door.
