Page 43 of The Stay

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That had Ash wide awake and standing up.

Lawyer meant maybe getting out. Or at least starting the process. He’d been in only a few months of a much longer sentence. Colt had promised to help. Ash hadn’t let Nix and the other naysayers put doubt in his mind.

And now, hopefully, here was the light at the end of the tunnel. Getting out. Ash flashed a glance at the shape of Nix still in his bunk.

The only problem now was that the tunnel didn’t seem so dark anymore. In fact, it was pretty cozy.

* * *

“Colt.” Ash didn’t try to hide the warmth that seeped out of his greeting. He was pleased to see him. Colt gave him a smile, stood up and went to hug him. Oh Ash wished he could accept the hug, a good old fatherly pat on the shoulders and a squeeze against that leather jacket. Anything to smell something other than prison. Ash blinked. He had the smell of Nix, too, though. He was lucky. The woodsy smell of that man created a fog around his brain.

Ash shook his head and Colt seemed to remember himself, and pulled back with a loud tut, throwing a dirty look to the guards that hovered by the side of the room, watching on. Both men settled back down.

“Ash, how’s it going buddy?” Colt opened.

“Fine thanks, well, you know, as fine as it can be-”

“Keeping your head down?”

Ash raised an eyebrow at Colt. The picture of Ash’s head bobbing up and down on Nix’s cock last night came to mind.

Colt could tell his mind had gone elsewhere.

He snickered and looked down. “Keeping out of trouble, I mean?”

Ash cleared his throat. “You know me.” He shrugged, all easy smiles.

“I heard there was a incident, some sort of brawl-”

“There was.”

“But they haven’t figured out who started it.”

“No sir,” Ash replied, not elaborating further even when Colt stared at him pointedly.

“Anyone called your affiliation into question?” Colt probed.

“Oh, everyday,” Ash responded.

Colt’s eyebrows pinched together, but before the other man could speak, Ash spoke quickly. “I mean, I think they get the message now, I’m not about to give up any Black Coyotes secrets or join another gang or anything, so they’ve luckily kind of given up with me. My cellmate however, he’s a different story…”

“That Nixon kid?”

“Nix, yeah. They’ve started on him. He said I should just agree to what they say, not stay loyal to the Black Coyotes-”

“Fuck, Ash, why didn’t you say-”

“But I am loyal, I refuse to betray you, so they rough him up a bit-”

“Is he okay?”

“Nixy? Oh, he loves it.” Ash smiled widely.

The man wearing the gray suit sat next to Colt hadn’t said anything yet. Until now. He cleared his throat.

That pulled Colt’s attention from Ash.

“Ash, this is your lawyer. They are a local firm, and are good, April vetted them and she said she’s happy with letting them represent you…”

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