Page 44 of The Stay

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Ash eyed him up. Corporate. About the same age as Ash, mid twenty something. Glasses, short hair, clean shaven. Everything his parents had wanted Ash to be. He almost laughed out loud. And now here was this perfect middle class guy, in a prison opposite Ash. And here he was, in prison.

“I’m Ryan Hanrahan, my father and I will be handling your case-”

“You think you can get me out?” Ash butted in. He wanted to see if this lawyer would spook easily. He wanted to test him a little.

Ryan Hanrahan didn’t flinch. “Yes.”

“How?” Ash pushed.

“We will put together a case stating that the defendant, you, did not intend to permanently deprive the owner of the car, you were borrowing it for what you considered a reasonable, urgent situation and that the owner consented to the taking. You had previously borrowed the car and your uncle had consented to it, correct?”

Ash nodded. “Yep.”

“You have any evidence of that?”

“Err…” Ash thought. “Well, my parents came to visit and I ran them into town in it, we all agreed to that-”

“Good. And what else?” Ryan Hanrahan pressed.

“I used to use it when I was working, at the lodge, to drive other guests to the airport or train station, and to take equipment over to the other side of the site-”

“Big site?”

“Yeah, it was like hundreds of acres.”

“There was no other vehicle for you to use?”

“No, well, I have a motorcycle but it's pretty wrecked, and there was a golf cart but it took too long and didn’t have trunk capacity-”

“And was there anything written into your employment contract about the use of the vehicle?”

“Well…” Ash shot a glance at Colt, who raised his eyebrows. “I wasn’t really… employed… I mean I wasn’t paid, I was kind of… sent to work there…”

The lawyer raised his eyebrows now. “Sent?”

“Yeah, I… my parents said it was this or conversion camp-”

“Conversion camp?”

“Yeah, ‘cause…” Ash looked to Colt who nodded, yep. Tell your story, Ash. “‘Cause I’m bi, or pan, or… well it all came to a head when I fucked the girl next door, and the guy next door, at the same time-”

Ryan didn’t miss a beat. “Having a threesome isn’t illegal.”

“Then I took photos of us all while having said threesome-”

“Consensual photos aren’t illegal.” Ryan was unflappable. Perfect.

“Then I entered them for my photography class assignment but was kicked out of school for breaking school policy-”

“Not illegal,” Ryan parroted back.

“-So I was kind of forced to go and work at my uncle’s lodge as a concierge-”

“Without any employment contract or wages and against your will?”


“And there was a verbal agreement in place that, as part of this unpaid work you were coerced into, you could borrow his car for work activities involving transporting guests and fulfilling their transportation requirements?”

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