Page 63 of The Deal

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“Well it would have to be, with us as its parents,” Ash replied.

“And Penny,” Nix said, his voice catching a little as he spoke. “With Penny as the mother.”

Lyle put a hand on Nix’s shoulder. “Yes, brother, with Penny as the mother. Our cunning, smart Vixen Queen.” Lyle kissed her head, still with his arm over Nix’s shoulder. And Nix’s hand on Penny’s belly. And Ash’s arm now around his lower back, as Ash also linked up with Penny.

And Penny beamed up at them. She was shorter than all of them. And her face was lit up. Nix had heard that women glow during pregnancy, and he didn’t really get what they were talking about. Until now. Penny was alive with it. Sparkling with it. Or wait, was it what he was feeling inside? What were they all feeling, at that moment?

Nix dropped down to his knees. He didn’t know about God, he’d struggled with his religious beliefs all of his life, indoctrinated into an extreme Christian cult, then running away from it all. Then maybe considering his good luck couldn’t all just have been luck, but that there was someone there looking out for him after all. Maybe.

But this had convinced him. God was a woman, the woman who stood before him now. He would kneel and worship at the altar every fucking day for the life and love she gave.

He leaned forward and kissed her belly. Kissed lower down, working his way over the curve of her bump, to the underside, and then to her pussy. He kissed her clit. She was neat and trimmed, a perfect triangle of short hair. Nix didn’t flick a tongue out. He just kissed her. Like the goddess she was.

He heard someone else thud down beside him. Nix didn’t stop, but felt another chin lightly by his. It was Ash. Nix’s eyes flicked open and Ash kissed Penny, too, exactly how Nix was.

Nix felt himself cut open, he turned slightly and kissed Ash, still no tongues, just lips joining lips. He kissed Penny and he kissed Ash. He heard and felt Penny relaxing, groaning. He pulled away enough to look up, and saw Lyle kissing her face, both his hands in her hair, inhaling her deeply. And she was doing the same to him, mouth open, pushing back when he pushed, clashing and dancing. They were using tongues.

So Nix kicked it up and flicked his tongue out and over Penny’s clit. She startled, then gasped. Ash caught on and did the same. Nix moved slightly as Lyle’s hard-on kept bobbing into Nix’s ear. Fucker.

Then Penny pulled away. From all of them. Nix and Ash were kneeling on the floor panting. Lyle stood raggedly. All three of them naked. All three of them desperate to adore and worship her. She smiled, tipped her head back and let out a joyous little laugh.

“Stand up, Nixy-boy, and Ash-baby.” She repeated their nicknames for each other. And Ash and Nix clung to each other and stood up.

Penny bit her lip and moved toward Lyle. She gripped his dick and gave it one long, hard tug. He groaned and shivered and dropped his head. Yeah, the Big Papa of their fucked up little family. But she was now at Ash, and she did the same to him. Starting at his base, she squeezed and pumped. Ash let out a harsh bark. Ash would yap and push and demand more from them all and they would let him, and give it, somehow, that’s what the fucker did best. And then she stood in front of Nix. She looked him in the eyes as she pulled at his cock, too. Nix felt the piercings rub and he could only mutter a curse and roll his eyes back in his head as the blissful, guilty pleasure surged to the front and center of his brain. She smiled like the goddess she was, with all three of them ready to worship the ground she walked on. Ready to move mountains for her, ready to put aside their previous preconceptions of their sexuality and their history and their former vices for her. She smiled like she knew their sacrifice, respected it and reveled in it. She was beautiful, and what they all had together was beautiful. And Nix would be fucked if he was going to let any of this slip through his fingers.

Nix pulled away to mutter. “Fuck, I bet we don’t make it to the other bedroom. Floor’s good enough. Penny can sit on me-”

“No, it’s my fucking turn-”

“She can sit on both of us-”

Nix won that bet, because they didn’t get as far at the bedroom door.

"Now, as I said, this report is straight from the lab, so I'll open it, read it out to you…” Their doctor, Luna, said with a professional, confident tone. She sat behind her desk, while Penny sat on the chair by the desk, Nix and Ash stood on either side of her, slightly behind her. Lyle paced like a hungry bear in a stingy zoo behind them all.

There was a tension in the air, a slight buzz of nervous energy. Nix and Ash exchanged a glance. Fuckers, Lyle thought.

Doctor Luna opened the flap of the large, letter size brown envelope, pulling out a few sheets of white paper.

"Okay, so three samples from potential fathers, A, B, C..." she paused, scanning the document, falling silent suddenly.

Lyle stopped pacing. "Yeah?" He prompted.

A fine line appeared in between her brows. "Sorry... I just... these results are..."

"Is everything okay?" Penny asked anxiously.

The doctor looked up, her eyes darted around between all four of them. "Yes, perfectly healthy, I've just never seen results like this before…”

“I think I’m going to be sick… or pee… or both…” Penny said with a wince. Lyle was at her side in an instant, arms over her shoulder.

“The bathroom is back out by the entrance door,” Luna replied absent-mindedly. She cleared her throat and looked up. “It says there is a 99.9% match-"

"Okay, so conclusive-"

“Wait, I need to just… process this for a moment…sorry, I would have opened it beforehand if I had known… Gosh, learning point for myself for next time…”

“Fucking what?” Lyle raised his voice.

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