Page 62 of The Deal

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Nix shook his head, but stood up. They were all naked and grabbing at the bedsheets now. It could have been fucking weird, but it wasn’t. It was fucking domestic, cozy as shit. Nix liked it.

“We can have so much more fun with this. Like Nix, I want you to fuck Penny, and then I’ll fuck you, too, at the same time, and you can’t come until Penny comes…”

Nix flipped a pillow case off a pillow. “So I gotta take it and give it at the same time?”

“Yep,” Ash said, pulling the duvet off the big duvet cover clumsily. Lyle stepped in to assist.

“And Lyle, fuck your balls Big Papa Bear,” Ash moaned. “I want to swallow them.”

“Ash baby,” Lyle husked out. “Maybe one day I’ll let you.” He winked and Ash feigned fainting on the fluffy white duvet. Nix took it as the perfect opportunity to whack Ash around the head with the pillow.

“Just to get you to shut the fuck up and give us a bit of peace,” Lyle added.

Penny and Lyle giggled while Ash feigned indignation and Nix swore that sound was the best fucking sound he’d ever heard.

* * *

They were halfwaythrough pulling the sheets off the giant mattress when Penny suddenly stopped, gasped, and stood up straight. Stock still.

Nix felt fear seize him. Fear like he had never known. The baby.

“You okay?” Lyle said immediately, dropping his corner of the duvet.

Penny put a hand to her belly.

"Fuck, Penny, what is it?” Nix managed to hiss from between his teeth. He was afraid in a way he had never been before. Afraid for the little life inside her infinite times more than he feared anything else. Infinite more times than he cared for his own life.

“It’s kicking,” Penny whispered, gazing down at her bulging belly that she now cradled in her hands.

Lyle was next to her and put his hands on her skin. He pulled his palm off like he’d been burnt.

“Fuck!” Lyle barked and looked at Penny, then let out a victorious guffaw.

Nix felt relief surge through him. He took a deep breath, rubbing his hand over his face.A warm arm went around Nix’s shoulders.


“I saw that, Nixy-boy,” Ash said softly in his ear.

Nix dragged a breath in, though it felt like his chest had been wired together too tight. “I just…”

Ash’s chest bumped into his, Ash’s thighs were warm against his as Ash gave Nix a big hug, holding him close, squeezing him tight.

“Fuck,” Nix whispered to himself.

“Yeah, now you’ll never be alone, Nixy-boy. You’ve got roots now, and it looks like they are growing down deep. You have no choice but to stay now.”

Nix swallowed. Yes. He’d never thought of moving on, Ash and the MC had been everything and more but now… he realized the gravity of what they had been playing with. The serious side of his breeding kink. A beautiful little baby, growing in Penny’s belly.

Nix turned his head to tuck Ash under his chin more comfortably. Ash was only just a little bit shorter than Nix. He watched Lyle and Penny for a moment. As Lyle looked down with such a gentle expression on his face. And Penny gazed up at him, pure love on hers. Lyle needed this, out of all of them, Lyle needed this. Nix almost felt like he was intruding on an intimate couple moment between Lyle and Penny, but Nix realized the only way Lyle could have this was with back up like Nix and Ash. Not just for when he blew too early, or for when he fell down and needed scooping up from the floor again. And the only way Ash and Nix were going to have something like this was with Lyle and Penny. So Nix no longer felt like an intruder, but a colluder. Very much a part of something special.

“Come on, Nixy. Let’s go join them.” Ash nudged Nix’s cheek with his nose, in the direction of Penny and Lyle.

So Nix found himself with his hand on Penny’s belly, feeling a small yet sharp little jab. A kick. Again. Subtly distending her round globe slightly.

“Fuck me,” Ash said, eyes wide, a grin on his face.

Lyle chuckled. “Yeah, strong little thing.”

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