Page 65 of The Deal

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He looked back at the clinic, he imagined them all inside, pouring over the scan pictures, Penny cooing, Nix gazing down, holding her shoulders. Fuck, Nix was the one who'd claimed her. Not Lyle. Ash and Nix, Nix and Penny, they were a perfect triangle, he was the odd one out. Technically Nix had claimed her as his old lady. Lyle had claimed Ash, Nix, and Penny, all of them, as a unit, as a pack... it didn't even make fucking sense for Lyle to be a part of that. Lyle was straight, for fuck's sake. He had nothing for Ash and Nix. He could offer them nothing. He sure as hell wanted nothing from them. It had just been a bit of fun, really, just physical. Fun to have them cheering him on. That was all. Lyle swallowed.

Lyle had to face facts, he was a washed-up loser. No friends, no place at the MC, nothing. His own sled had been confiscated, he wasn’t allowed out on runs. He couldn’t even fuck without someone holding his hand. Couldn’t even land a woman in his bed without needing the intervention of others. Everyone hated him and wanted him gone. So fuck it, he had zero ties now. The baby wasn’t his. Penny wasn’t his. The Black Coyotes weren't his. He could find a bar, leave them all behind. He started the bike. It roared to life under his legs. He needed a drink. He needed his familiar oblivion. He needed to ride off into the sunset and never look back.

So in that moment, hands on the handlebars, ass on his motorcycle, that's exactly what he did. He turned the key, revved the engine and shot out of that parking lot and out onto the open road. Into the sunset. And he didn’t look back.

“Ms. Penny Rafferty,” the receptionist trilled out.

Ash looked up. Finally. “Right, come on, let’s get to the bottom of this.”

“Oh God, I really think I’m going to be sick,” Penny groaned.

Nix helped her up from the chair. “It’s fine, the baby is fine, remember, and we are all the fathers, right? That was the deal?” Nix looked to Ash. “Where’s Lyle?”

Ash looked around the room. “Didn't he say he was going for a piss?”

“Yeah, ages ago.”

“Ms. Penny Rafferty,” the receptionist trilled out again, a little more urgently this time.

“Yes, I’m here, I’m just-”

“They are running late as it is, when you are called you should be ready to go immediately-” a woman in the next aisle of chairs said reproachfully.

“How about I tell you what you should be ready for-” Nix turned on her and spat angrily.

Ash pulled him up short. “Okay, let’s just go in, I’ll drop Lyle a call to tell him to get off the shitter or whatever he’s doing and come on in and join us,” Ash said.

“Fine,” Nix growled.

“Oh God,” Penny wailed.

The receptionist was unmistakably irate now, “Ms. Penny Raf-”

“Yes, I’m here! We’re going, we’re going!” Penny shouted out so the whole room would hear her.

Ash dug about in his pocket for his phone while Nix opened the door to the treatment room.

“Hi there, take a seat, Ms. Rafferty,” Doctor Luna beamed, seemingly excited.

“So what’s the deal?” Nix began.

Ash scrolled through his phone quickly, “Hang on, we are missing Lyle… let me just…” He pressed dial and held the phone to his ear.

It rang.

Nix and Penny carried on talking to the doctor. Ash turned away so he could focus on talking to Lyle.

But it kept ringing.

It cut to voicemail.

Ash hung up. Lyle would come out of the bathroom and the receptionist would send him into the room and…

“What the fuck?” Nix exclaimed, pulling Ash back into the room. He whirled around.

“In rare cases, fraternal twins can be born from two different fathers in a phenomenon called heteropaternal superfecundation,” Luna’s voice carried on.

“What?” Ash said blankly.

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