Page 66 of The Deal

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“It’s twins, one from each father, sample B and sample C, that’s why the results were confusing me… Nix and Ash…” Luna explained, trying to remain calm.

“Twins?” Penny said shakily, her mouth making a perfect O as she sunk into the chair by the desk.

Luna looked at her, reaching out a hand to place it firmly on Penny’s.

“Twins. They’ll be non identical, one having Nix as the dad, one having Ash… if an egg was fertilized at the same time-”

“That’s not possible…” Penny mumbled.

“It’s really rare, but very possible,” Luna confirmed.

“Fuck me!” Ash exclaimed. “We’re going to be dads! We arebothgoing to be dads!” he shouted, his eyes alight, his face flushing. He looked at Nix, Nix gaped back at him, and they both embraced. Ash put his hand on Nix’s neck, Nix put his hands straight into Ash’s hair and pulled tight. They had a moment, staring straight into each other’s eyes. The closest thing to having a baby with each other, was probably this.

“This is…” Nix croaked.

“I know, Nixy-boy, I know…”

Nix turned to Penny, the shock still clear on her face as she sat in the chair, grabbing her wrists. “Penny, baby…”

“I can’t…”

“Wahooo!” Ash yelped, elated, pure joy shooting through his veins. “You’ve done the fucking most impossible thing, little Vixen,” Ash said. “Nix and I…we couldn’t have…what you’ve given us…”

He was going to be a father. With Nix. With Penny. Fucking hell, with Lyle.

“Wait, Lyle…” Ash mumbled, but he was embracing Nix, Penny was hugging his waist, his brain was racing at a hundred miles per hour.

Luna smiled. “I can tell you the sex, as well, if you want to know-”

“Yes!” Penny said immediately. “Yes, we agreed that we would be happy to stagger the surprises-”

“Twin boys,” Luna said excitedly.

Nix pulled away to raise his palm up for Ash to high five, which he did with gusto, whooping. Penny tipped her head back and laughed at them both, her hands clasped together.

“Luckily enough Lyle knows what he’s doing, he can teach us how to change a diaper and shit like that-” Nix joked.

Ash snorted, “Yeah, shit, piss, you name it-”

“I believe the term is meconium, isn’t it, the first poo that babies do?” Penny said eagerly, flushed cheeks.

Luna smiled at them. “Yes, exactly-”

“Lyle, buddy?” Nix turned around. Ash did, too. The empty room yawned emptily back at him.

“Oh fuck, he didn’t answer his phone…” Ash said, the smile fading from his lips.

“Wait… where’s Lyle?”

* * *

Ash’s handsshook as he scrolled through his phone again. He’d tried Lyle again, Nix had gone out to the bathroom to check where the fuck Lyle was. Then Nix had checked the parking lot and confirmed; Ash’s motorcycle wasn’t there anymore.

Nix had sent that news in a text message to him. Ash had read it on his screen and his throat had seized up. Ash was almost angry, for a moment. Here the were, in the middle of this special moment together, just finding out they were having twins, that they were boys, a truly special thing, and Lyle was fucking about somewhere else. On Ash’s bike no less. Ash tutted and sighed, Penny asked where Lyle was, he started typing back to Nix, but then the fear had gripped him.

He’d gone out to meet Nix in the parking lot. Nix was standing there, his face tight. “I thought he would stay,” Nix said, and for a moment Ash was reminded of the moody, cold cellmate that had strolled into his cell, all that time ago. The lost, angry Doberman who lashed out when the wind blew the wrong direction to what he wanted. What felt like only yesterday, and yet also a lifetime had passed since then. It was almost nostalgic. Except Ash was glad Nix wasn’t that angry abandoned soul anymore. He was more of a bright spark, until he had moments of anger, of betrayal. Like this. Like what Lyle had done to them now.

Ash had to take control, he knew. It fell to him. Penny was too pregnant, and Nix would just simmer and stew and let it fester. Ash had to put aside his hurt and take responsibility. Lyle was theirs.

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