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My mind is floating but the irritating shrill of a small child makes me jump up in a panic. My eyes darting open to Chloe standing at the foot of our bed with a pair of scissors in her hand.

Holy shit!

Reece’s words come back to haunt me.“She’s a little psycho.”

“Chloe, sweetheart. What are you doing?”

“I don’t want my pussy to have balls.” I reel back in shock at her words, my hazy mind taking a moment to figure out what she’s actually trying to say. “Peppa is a boy and I want a girl pussy.”

I breathe a sigh of relief because it kind of makes sense. My eyes dart back to the scissors, and I shake myself because there’s no way she’d be thinking that.Right?

“Give Daddy the scissors.”

Her eyebrows draw together, and she puckers her lips. “No.”

I grind my teeth, not wanting to aggravate her further but also pissed off with her shit so early in a morning. So I go with the easier option and lower my voice. “Chloe, give Daddy the scissors and we can get you a treat on the way in to daycare,” I coax.

Her face does a total one-eighty and her eyes light up. “Ice cream?” I glance back at Lily who appears dead to the world. I bring my finger toward my lip, shushing her; my wife would throw a fit if she knew I gave in to Chloe’s demands so easily. Chloe’s eyes flit toward Lily, then she pouts again, “With a cherry on the top?”

“Sure,” I grit out, pissed at allowing myself to be ruled by a three-year-old.

“Okay, Daddy.” She smiles widely, making me melt, and when she hands over the scissors, I feel like I’ve closed on a business deal, when in reality, I’m just a good parent. I smile inwardly to myself at my own analogy.

“Can I get in with you and Mommy for cuddles?”

Since having Chloe, Lily and I got into the habit of putting on something to sleep in during the night for this very reason, and although I love nothing more than the mornings we have together where I don’t end up being cockblocked, I love mornings like this just as much.

Chloe climbs under the sheets and snuggles down, and when the bedroom door opens again and Reece walks in with the cat tucked under his arm, I can’t help but smile at my family.

His eyes flick over my face with confusion. “What the hell are you grinning at?”

“I’m happy, Reece.”

He stares back at me. “Good for fucking you.”

I wait for another jibe, but it doesn’t come.

“I’m happy too,” he responds unwittingly, making my heart soar.

Whoever this girl is, is clearly someone special, and I can’t wait to uncover his secret.

But everyone knows there’s a fine line between secrets and lies.



My dad will lose his shit. I know it. Oscar knows it. Hell, even my Pussy knows it.

But nothing and no one will stop me from having her, from making her mine. She’ll be the perfect tool to craft my technique and then I can pounce, taking what rightfully belongs to me. I may just start a war in doing so, but there’s a war raging in my heart too, and when my plan finally comes together, we’ll all be happy, all three of us.

They’re mine.
