Page 9 of Shaw

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When Luca called her out for eating, my first thought was to take her in my arms and feed her myself, but I’m pretty sure Luca would flip his shit over that move, so instead, I spoke up in her defense. Mafia or not, nobody is speaking to the mother of my child like that.

“Does Emilia have an eating disorder?” I throw out as soon as she leaves the room.

Luca rears back with a jolt. “Of course fucking not!”

“Then why wasn’t she eating?”

“Maybe she wasn’t hungry?” Owen suggests with a shrug of his shoulder.

Luca takes a tentative sip of his wine. Every move he makes is calculated, but I’m not even sure he’s aware of it.

“She was nervous. She doesn’t eat when she’s nervous.” His voice is low, as though in thought.

“Nervous,” I repeat like an idiot. Annoyance rumbles inside me. “Why the hell would she be nervous?”

“She’s met the baby’s father for the third time today. Am I right? She’s completely unaware if her child was conceived from a cheating prick or someone simply wishing to empty his load. She’s nervous and ashamed, as she should be.” He sits back with his smug lips in a tight smile.

My teeth grind. “I’m not a fucking cheat!” I spit back at him. “For your information, we broke up. We only recently got back together.”

Luca watches me closely, as though looking for the truth behind my words. “Mm. Perhaps tell your girlfriend that you got another woman pregnant.”

A wave of sickness rushes over me because that’s what she is. My girlfriend. Guilt floods me when I think about the situation I’m in.

When me and Lizzie agreed to try again, I already knew it wasn’t a good idea, but I can’t bear to see her break down like she does. The guys say she has me wrapped around her little finger, but seeing my mother distraught during my childhood makes seeing other women hurting difficult for me. We might not have a loving relationship, but she gets the materialistic aspects of our relationship, and I get the sex. Even if it doesn’t come close to my experience with Red, it’s been better than having to find a one-night stand every time I need to fulfill my fantasies.

“I’ll end it. Tonight.” I tack on the latter to appease him. Knowing the sooner I get the inevitable over with, the better.

Owen sits straighter. “What can we expect, Luca? What do you want from Shaw?”

Luca leans forward, his dark eyes drilling into mine. “The wedding takes place a week from today. A small ceremony of signing the official forms.”

My attention is piqued because surely Emilia wants an actual wedding, right? “She doesn’t want a big wedding?”

Luca scoffs. “She could have had the wedding of her dreams if she’d done as she was supposed to and kept her legs and mouth shut.”

My fists pump in frustration hearing him speak about her like that.

“Ravlek, the man she was meant to marry, is pissed. She was a business deal.” Bile creeps up my throat at the thought of Emilia being a business deal.Over my dead fucking body.

“You’ll pay me the twenty-five million he was paying, at the very least for the inconvenience.”

My eyes narrow on him.Twenty-five fucking million?

Of course, he goes on. “He’s to respect my sister. I won’t accept cheating,” he reiterates.

I open my mouth, but he holds up his hand to stop my words from spilling. “She will have her own security details, as will the child. You will attend functions when I say.” Luca sits back in his chair. “Apart from that, I’ll allow you to lead your own life.”

“Allow.” I roll the word over my tongue, fury bubbling in my veins.Just who the hell does he think he is? Taking over my life, making demands on me, and ruining my plans.

Luca lifts his cell from the table and presses a button. “Maxim, call a doctor. I want someone that specializes in eating disorders to check on Emi.” He works his jaw from side to side. “No, now.” He ends the call, then raises his eyes to meet mine.

“You will not hurt my family, Shaw. Do you understand me?”

Blood pumps through my veins, and I swallow hard with the intensity behind his words, the underwritten danger coating each and every syllable.

My throat is dry as I nod in response. “Of course.”

