Page 44 of Bear

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“Staying with her to make sure she was okay after her fall.”

“Whatever. You crossed a line,” Remy says. “Several.”

“I know. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll even feel bad about it.”

“But you don’t right now?” Colt asks.

“No, I don’t.” At least not after Lyla’s convincing reassurance that she won’t regret it. “We were both consenting adults. Neither of us were drunk. It was…fun.”

“It was fun,” Remy repeats. “We’ll be sure to put that on your gravestone when Isaac Perry murders your ass.”

“He’s not going to do shit,” I assure them. “And I needed tonight more than you know. It’s been years.”

“Years?” Colt echoes. “Years since you were with your ex-wife?”

“Years since I was with anyone.”

“Jesus,” Remy mutters while shaking his head. “No wonder you did something so stupid. I get that you were horny and shit, but there are plenty of other women in the world. But no, you had to go fuck your ex’s sister, the youngest daughter of a local MC president.”

“Whatever the consequences, it was worth every second,” I tell them at the exact same moment there’s some sort of commotion coming from outside the bar. It sounds like metal scraping, crunching.

“What the hell was that?” RJ asks as we all get to our feet and run toward the door.

There’s a dust cloud hanging in the dark parking lot, so all I see are some taillights of a giant monster truck as it speeds off.

“Son of a bitch!” Colt shouts at the same time Remy says a few swear words himself.

Where their Harleys were parked in a row along with Greer’s are now crushed metal.

“Damn, it’s a good thing our bikes weren’t here,” RJ says to me as our brothers and Greer go over to inspect the damage. When we follow them, I’m finally far enough away from the building that I can see the big red letters spray-painted on the side of the bricks.

“Dude, I think he wants you to stay away from his daughter,” Jordan chuckles.

Greer growls and storms back inside without another word.

Remy is coming at me a second later. He shoves my chest so hard I stumble back a step. “Since this is your fault, you’re paying for all the damage!”

Hell, I was going to do that anyway, but because he’s being such a dick about it, I say, “Isn’t your girlfriend loaded? I’m sure she’ll buy you another forty-thousand-dollar bike.”

Getting in my face, Remy grabs the sides of my cut to shake me, then grits out, “Keep your dick away from both of Perry’s daughters. That’s a goddamn order as your president!”

And of course, that just makes me want to see Lyla again even more. This isn’t the army. I don’t have to take orders from anyone.



“Good, you’re finally awake!” Holly says as soon as my eyes open. She must have been up awhile since her makeup and long brown hair look perfect. “Now will you tell me what happened last night?”

Since I had to walk to her town house, it was nearly sunrise when I got here this morning. Despite my lack of sleep, I smile and proudly admit, “I had sex.”

“Finally!” she exclaims. “How was it?”

“Amazing, better than I imagined. Although, it didn’t feel great at first, and I’m a little sore today because he was so big.”

“Wait. Who did you have sex with? Someone you met at the wedding?”

“I sort of ran into him outside the reception.”
