Page 74 of Bear

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“Yeah, sure,” I agree. “I’ll be right outside the door in the hallway waiting,” I say as I pull out my cell phone. I need to check in with Isaac before we go and let him know I convinced her to come home with me. I hate having to lie to Lyla. But if it’s for her own good, to keep her safe, and make sure she never finds out the horrible truth, then I guess it’s worth it.

I type out a short text message that says,Lyla wants to stay with me. If you don’t like it tough shit, just in case Lyla were to see the message on my phone.

The only reason she would go snooping through it is if she didn’ttrust me, which would be fucked-up, but I would deserve it. Either way, better to cover these tracks.

If anything happens to her, you’re deadis Isaac’s response, which is probably one hundred percent true and not to keep up any appearances.

A moment after Lyla goes into Thane’s room, my brother and Jordan come out.

“I still don’t get what you two are doing here,” I tell them. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” RJ answers immediately. “One of our customers mentioned the shooting. We’re concerned citizens.”

“Bullshit.” Pointing to the room behind them, I say, “That’s the man who kidnapped Jordan, right?”

“Uh, yeah,” RJ answers for the kid, who stares at the ground with his hands shoved in his front jeans’ pockets.

“So, what? Are you two here to try and finish the job?”

“What job?” RJ asks.

“Killing him,” I whisper.

“God, no,” RJ replies. Followed by, “Maybe?” making me have no idea what the truth really is here. I deserve the shadiness, though, since I’m a liar too.

“Look, I get that you hate him for what he did,” I tell the two men. “But you can’t hold a grudge against him. Lyla cares about him, and, ah, she’s coming to stay with us.”

“She’s going to stay with us? You, me, and dad?” RJ asks.

“Yeah, if dad doesn’t have a problem with it. Since he’s never home, I figured he won’t notice or mind. She’ll sleep in my room.”

“Wow. Moving fast yet again,” he says, making me cringe. This is not like what happened with Laurel. I’m not marrying Lyla, just letting her move in and hopefully keep having sex with her as often as possible.

“It’s just temporary. As much as you’re at the shop from the crack of dawn until time to hit the sack, you probably won’t even notice she’s there.”

“Fine. Whatever.”

“Swear to me you won’t lay a finger on Thane from here on out.”

“I won’t touch him,” RJ grumbles.

“Good. If you do anything to upset Lyla, I’ll beat your ass. That goes for both of you,” I say to add Jordan into the threat.

The kid holds up his palms and says, “I wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

“You know if you step a toe out of line, all we have to do is tell your mama, and she’ll whoop your ass.”

“No, it’s worse than that,” Jordan replies. “She’ll be disappointed in me. That shit hurts worse than my dad’s fists.”

Lyla thankfully comes out of the room and says, “He’s sleeping, so I guess it’ll be okay to leave.”

“There are a ton of Devil Hounds who I’m sure will hang around,” I remind her. “Your dad can let you know if there are any updates.”

“Okay. Yeah. I don’t think I have much energy left in me after all that’s happened.”

It’s wrong to hope that she’s partially wiped out from the spectacular sex we had in the snack room. I also can’t help but wonder how long it’ll be before she’s ready to go another round.

Fuck, I’m a selfish prick.
