Page 101 of Snake

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This was the first day of the rest of my life. Cliché or not, that’s exactly the way I felt, and it had offered courage.

There was no need to knock. This was my office now.

When I walked in, I was happy to see he was alone. He didn’t hear me at first, frantically searching for something on his computer. I walked closer, folding my arms and plastering on a smile.

The bastard finally lifted his head, his eyes narrowing. Then he glanced down at my two-thousand-dollar suit, a gift to myself. Borrowed credit until my funds were released but well worth the ridiculous expense. I was certain he’d learned just this morning he had no access to his money.

“Hello, Daddy dearest. Happy to see me? If you’re looking for access to your funds, I’m sorry to tell you it’s been denied.”

Snarling, he jerked up, his chest rising and falling as his face puffed out. He’d aged in the couple of weeks. What a shame. He’d soon learn what hardship was all about.

“You little bitch. Did you really think running away was going to accomplish anything?”

“Oh, it accomplished several significant goals.” When he reached for his phone, I laughed. “Calling your buddy Giovanni? The one who was planning on betraying the sweet deal you made together?”

That caught him by surprise, and he hesitated, uncertain where I was going.

“Don’t bother. He’s dead. Someone I care about very much killed him before he had a chance to do any additional harm. Now, just so you know, while you still own several shares of stock, you’re no longer the owner.” I allowed the words to sink in.

He dropped his phone, planting his hands on his desk as he leaned over. “Do you think I’m a fool? I know what you’re trying to do, rallying the investors against me.”

Stock had plummeted overnight, rumors spread of the company’s freefall. I hadn’t been able to help myself, finding the perfect method of beginning the destruction of his company. It was amazing what a few phone calls, promises of exclusive interviews had done in less than twenty-four hours. It was just the beginning.

“They’d already started catching on that you were using their money for all that nasty gambling you were doing. I’m certain the Security Exchange Commission is working very closely with the FBI to ensure the criminal charges brought against you for espionage, extortion, blackmail, stock manipulation, and several other additional charges will mean your loss of ownership of every single stock. That goes for your buddies on the board as well.”

I took a deep breath, enjoying the various shades of coloration on his face. They were vibrant, beautiful in my mind.

“You’ve lost your mind. You have no proof.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. You see, you made the mistake of opening your mouth, trusting Giovanni. In turn, he took your trust and twisted it around. I managed to capture some pretty interesting photographs that I shared with the authorities. You were using investor funds to try and get out of your gambling debts. You should have known better than to trust a mafia monster. Selling me off wasn’t good enough. Any regrets for destroying my mother?”

He was suddenly expressionless but there was a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth.

“Sadly, I can’t prove you killed her, but wouldn’t it be better to clear your conscience?”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t I?” I slammed my hands on his desk, causing an instant reaction. He snarled, his anger increasing. “You had her brake lines cut. You knew where she’d gone. You made certain that she wouldn’t return home. Did you know I was in the car with her? Did you know I almost died? Do you even care? Tell me, you fucking son of a bitch. I deserve to have some peace.”

His hesitation pushed me harder.

“Tell. Me. Now!”

My father swung a look toward the door then grinned. “Yes, I had her killed. You have no idea what she had planned. She was going to destroy me. I couldn’t allow that to happen.”

I took a deep breath, easing back then nodding. Grief threatened to derail everything, tearing me apart, but at least I knew. When I turned around, walking to the door, his laugh fueled the anger. Just before I opened the door, I shifted so I could look at his face one last time.

“Enjoy your time in prison, Father. You’re going to be there for the rest of your life.” Satisfied, I opened the door, moving aside as several police officers walked inside. I’d gotten his confession on tape. It had been a gamble, goading him by guessing about the brakes. Would his ruin bring peace? No. But I knew what would.

* * *


Why the fuck was I here?

The crowd was thick inside the bar, Raunchy Ride lively, the music blaring. I’d been talked into coming out, which I now regretted.

“Hey. There he is,” Scorpion greeted me as I headed toward one of the tables. It seemed we were having a party, something else to piss me off. Houston, Colt, Snake and Chasity, along with Phoenix and Wren were crowded around the table. Gage stood off to the side. At least his expression wasn’t one of happiness like everyone else. How could anyone enjoy a night out when life was shit?

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