Page 88 of Snake

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Exhaling, she nodded then took the camera from me, flipping through several pictures. “Maybe so.”

“Uh-huh. You’re a terrible liar.”

She gave me an evil eye then handed me the camera again. “There are your pictures.”

She’d gotten several financial documents, but they would need to be printed to make them readable. How had Giovanni gotten his hands on the documents? From what I could tell, they would normally go to a board of directors, and I doubted her father would hand them over readily.

Unless another deal had been made or unless she was right that Giovanni had more unscrupulous plans in mind for Mr. Rathbone. I wouldn’t care if they killed each other off.

“That should be all I need. We can go,” she said with tenseness in her tone.

“Remember, we’ll get through this.”

“I know. I just have a lot on my mind.” She tossed the bag onto the bed, heading toward the nightstand. After pulling the drawer, she peeled away something she’d taped on the underside.

Clever girl.

She stared down at the license, running her finger across the surface. “This is the real me. Now you know I’m not lying.”

“I already knew that, babe.” I glanced at the photograph and sighed. What a freaking mess.

As we left the cabin, my gut told me that whoever was after her would wait until the heat from capturing Bruno died down. That would give us a couple of days maximum. Then one or both would strike. We needed to act quickly.

I jumped inside, squeezing her leg. Whatever we’d find in the safety deposit box could change her life. Or it could ruin it. I didn’t like the odds but there was no other choice.

I’d looked up the location online, happy that I’d been right. A single branch still existed, the original one opened in the early eighties. They’d maintained an entity while so many other banks had been bought or merged.

Amelie remained quiet the entire time, still fondling the locket. “I wonder where the key is?”

“Maybe we won’t need one.”

“You know better. And after all this time, who says they even have security boxes?”

“Let’s not jump to conclusions at this point. Okay?”

“Always the voice of reason,” she half whispered. “I’ve used this necklace to give me peace so many times I think I’m wearing the finish off.”

“I’ll polish it for you.”

I threw her a look, shaking my head. When she narrowed her eyes, a startled look on her face, I instantly bristled. “What’s wrong?”

“There’s something strange about the locket.” She struggled to remove it from around her neck, holding it into the light. “Wait a minute. I never noticed this before. There’s a little catch on the back.”

“Can you get it open?”

“I don’t think so. Do you have a tool or anything in your truck?”

“Check the glove compartment.”

She did, shoving everything around then finding an old Swiss Army knife. “This should do it.”

I continued driving as she fiddled with the knife. We both felt extreme pressure to find answers, my instinct working overtime. When she gasped, my grip on the steering wheel tightened.

“It’s a key.”

Snorting, I glanced at the GPS, making the next turn. “Then I guess we’re destined to find out.”

“What if the news is horrible?”

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