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“Please don’t take me back.” I pout, putting my hands up in a prayer stance.

He roams his eyes along my body, takes a step back, and rubs the back of his neck. He closes his eyes and turns his head up to the sky. Ha, looks like he’s kinda dramatic himself.

“Fuck! Sadie! What is going on?”

“Freddy, I just want a quick visit to Chicago. I have to see it myself and—”

“You thought it okay to throw yourself in my truck?”

“Um…why not?”

“Come, let’s get you in the front.”

After saying this, he gives me a devious smirk and a persistent shaking head. It’s as if he has no clue what to do with me, but he likes it. Maybe this means he’s okay with it, right?

Chapter 4



I lay eyes on the red bombshell, Sadie, who is a tough enough cookie to sneak into my trunk, trying to score a quick lift to Chicago. This girl is wild. Spontaneity she does not lack, and why…why is this so intriguing to me?

She begs me to take her seriously as she sits in my passenger seat. I wonder what Braxton would want me to do. A sunray settles on her cleavage, and this is the first time I’m jealous of a luminary.

“You don’t think this decision was a bit much, Sadie? You could’ve scared the crap out of me! Or worse, someone could’ve seen you back there. Next thing you know, police would’ve been on my ass.”

“I know, I know! I thought about those things too, but honestly, I would’ve asked you if I had more time with you. But you only stayed one night with us, and then I was tipsy and silly and—”

“Well, you’re here now.”

She cracks a sweet smile and runs her hand through her hair. The sun hits her eyes, and they sparkle like literal emeralds. I could devour this woman in one big bite.

“All of this for Chicago, huh? What’s your plan if you get there? Do you have someplace to stay, or are you meeting someone?”

Noticing a pellet of sweat above her rose-shaped mouth, I turn the AC up a couple of notches. The result? Hardened nipples. Damn, I can swell just looking at her. She leans closer to the vent because she’s naughty.

“Not really. I was hoping to crash at your place or hang out all night somewhere and then hop a Greyhound back. I do have money to do that.” She reassures me as if that’s helpful or I wouldlether take the bus back.

I shake my head. She ignores it and carries on.

“But the food! You have to tell me where I should eat tonight. It can’t be somewhere too pricey. I might as well stick with something basic like a hot dog since you live in Lincoln Park, huh?”

I chuckle at her.

“I actually looked up rent there, and I only had to look atoneplace to know it wasn’t for me.” She laughs, covering her pretty mouth with her hand. “And I know of two nightclubs that caught my interest. I bookmarked them on my phone. Oh, and please tell me where a cute boutique or shoe store is near you. I don’t have any good nightlife shoes.”

I smirk as she tries to tell me how this day will go. I like a woman who speaks with conviction, and with the sound of her raspy seductive voice, she’s on her way to making me ache.

“You’re the kind of person I need around to keep me on my toes,” I joke. But in reality, the kind of spark she has is contagious. She’s making me want to hit the town with her, but I have this wedding.

“Well, that’s great to hear! So just for the night? I mean, I could stay ‘til Sunday too! I can crash on your couch and stay out of your way!” Sadie begs, raising her hands as if she’s praying again.

I don’t want to drive back to Hillpike. At this pace, by the time I reach Chicago, I’ll have two hours before the wedding starts. If I take her back now, then I won’t make it. And I’ll be damned if I let Courtney think I’m not man enough to handle seeing her and her lover-turned-boyfriend, Stewart.

“Sadie…there’s a lot going on in my life. The last thing I need is Braxton killing me over this.”

“I’m fucking twenty-five years old, Freddy! A grown woman. What does this have to do with my father?! I’m sure he’d rather me stay with you in Chicago than some random motel.”
