Page 84 of Raven

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The body in front of me moved, and my head was again pulled toward someone new. My eyes fluttered, taking in my silent giant, who had to bend down to reach me. His large hands cupped my cheeks, belying his size as usual with his gentleness. Rueben’s lips landed on mine next, the kiss slower as he devoured me like I was the best-tasting chocolate he’d ever had.

All too soon, I was yanked back again, meeting Otto’s lips as he twisted my body so my lips landed on his. A dizzy feeling encompassed my body as I panted, breathless from their kisses.

“What was that for?” I asked a few minutes later after I’d regained my bearings. The twins chuckled from the back, Rueben driving on my left side and Otto on my right. I hadn’t even felt us take off.

“Just loving you, Little Bird. Every new adventure should start with a kiss.”

“Yeah, it’s for good luck,” Porter said.

“Sign me up then.” I giggled, settling back into the seat, my four guys cocooning me like they often did, placing me at the heart of them.

I might not have grown up to be Robin Hood with her merry men, but I’d become something better—even more than the assassin Silent Blade, Raven the Belladonna, homeless Little Bird, and innocent Cindy.

I’d become me.




The kid’slaughter filled the space as they ran around the expansive ballroom, hopping from one attraction to the next. The families affected by Good Meds Pharma were spread throughout the room, enjoying the charity function. Thanks to the evidence we recovered, the families had been able to refile their lawsuits and get the closure they needed. To celebrate, PROP held a function in their honor.

I’d been shocked when I learned about Loxley Crew’s charitable foundation and how they used PROP. For some reason, I pictured them dropping off bags of cash on people’s front porches, ringing the doorbell, and running away as they watched from the bushes.

“Better than hiding in the bushes?” Otto asked, draping his arm around my shoulder.

“I guess so. Though, it would be cool to do it once.”

Phoenix laughed as he came up to my other side. “These families operate on the legal side of things, so they need to be able to access help in a way that doesn’t get them in trouble with the IRS.”

“I guess that makes sense. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to do it still,” I grumbled, pretending to pout. In all honesty, though, I enjoyed getting to see the kids and families have fun. They all deserved the chance to be carefree and spoiled for a few hours.

“Just got word back from Phillip, and we’re all set to fly out in the morning. Barcelona, here we come!” Porter cheered, doing a little hip dance as he neared me. I smiled, a giggle escaping at his antics. He grabbed me and spun me, my aqua blue dress spinning out. It matched the blue in my hair perfectly, and I’d had to have it the second I’d spotted it. It glittered like the stars, swooping out at the slit up one leg as Porter twirled me. The front had a deep V that went down practically to my belly button.

“Should I be jealous you’ve got a bromance going on with Phillip?” I teased.

Porter chuckled, dipping me as he kissed me. “Definitely. The dude can fly a plane!”

Rolling my eyes, I spun out into the arms of Rueben. He lifted me under my butt, bringing my face closer to his. I laid my head on his shoulder as he swayed, my fingers running along the back of his neck. We didn’t need words as we danced, our hearts communicating for us. When his turn was done, he kissed my lips and set me back down as Otto took my hands.

I was the closest to his height in my heels, so we swayed like we would at a middle-school dance with my arms looped around his neck, his on the base of my back.

“Has life been everything you thought it would be out of the mansion?” he asked, his lips brushing my ear.

“Better,” I cooed. While there had been some bumps as we all navigated living together full-time, it had been the best time of my life. That could be down to the fact the orgasms had muddled my brain, but I wasn’t going to question it.

“I love you, Little Bird. I thank the stars every day for bringing you back to me.”

“I love you too, Otto.”

My gray-eyed boy smiled, twirling and watching my hair fly out behind me. Phoenix was waiting for me, picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist.

“Not one for dancing?” I asked.

“I prefer to do the horizontal tango, Cupcake. You look so divine in this dress that I can’t decide if I want to fuck you in it while it drapes around you or if it will be better on the floor.”

Groaning, I rocked forward, my clit making contact with his hard cock. Phoenix slammed his lips into mine, his hands threading through my hair as he kissed me like no one else was in the room.

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