Page 2 of Do-Over with my Ex

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“Finally,” I said. “Am I too late?”

Ava laughed. “Far too late. You should go on in before we do.”

“Right,” I said and gave my sister-in-law a quick hug. “I’ll see you in there.” I turned to the driver. “If you take my luggage to reception, they’ll take care of it for Celine Forger.”

“Very good, ma’am,” the driver said, and I hurried into the hotel.

It was a fancy hotel, with a large chandelier in the lobby and marble floors. I hurried to the closed doors with the sign that read “chapel,” and I pushed the door open.

Music started playing, and everyone stood, turning to face me.

“Oh,” I said. They’d expected the bride. “False alarm.”

Noah glared at me from next to the groom.

I hurried down the aisle until I found an open seat and sat down.

“Sorry,” I said to the couple next to me.

When I glanced to the side, my eyes fell on a familiar face, and I stilled.

Was that… Lorenzo?

I tried to catch a glimpse of who he was here with, but she was hidden behind his tall frame.

It didn’t matter, anyway.

The doors opened again, music played again, and everyone stood. This time, the bridesmaids walked in as expected. The first two came in, and then Ava followed. They all wore peach dresses, and they had small bouquets of white roses.

My brother winked at his wife, and she blushed—they had such a sweet relationship. I wouldn’t ever find what they had. Usually, I was at peace with that fact, but this was a wedding and damned if weddings didn’t make me a little sentimental.

It was very out of character for me, but it wasn’t every day that a pretty girl walked down the aisle in a white dress to the man that would be her forever.

The ceremony started, and the priest gave a beautiful speech about how we each had a partner that fit into our lives perfectly. The bride, Paige, stared at her husband-to-be Gavin with so much love and affection; if it wasn’t a wedding day, I would gag.

Wedding days were a special occasion, and my tolerance for cliché expressions of love was higher.

I felt eyes on me, and when I glanced to the side, it was Lorenzo looking at me again.

I flashed on summer nights under the stars, the lines of his body, the way we came together as if we knew all about love and lust. We’d just been kids back then, navigating an adult world.

He was here with a date, and it had been a long time ago. The past had to stay in the past. I wasn’t a child anymore, and neither was he.

God, with that body he had now, muscles filling out his blazer… he wasnota child anymore.

Focus, Celine! Wedding, love, Gavin and Paige.

I’d been invited to the wedding as a courtesy. I didn’t know Gavin or Paige, but I knew Noah and Ava, and they were part of the bride’s and groom’s entourage, respectively. Since I would be in LA for a couple of months, they’d extended the wedding invitation to me as a sweet meet-and-greet so I could get to know everyone.

When the ceremony was over and they were officially Mr. and Mrs. Austin, we threw biodegradable confetti at them before they left to take photos in the golden hour sunlight.

Noah came to me with a grin.

“Hey, sis. Quite an entrance. If you weren’t careful, you’d be the one married now.”

“Oh, God,” I said and rolled my eyes. “The poor man.”

“He would never be able to deal with you.”
