Page 11 of Iron Heart Lost

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I slip into my clothes and race downstairs. “What’s going on?”

“The filly got loose. I’m not sure what happened but she’s gone and I knew you’d want her caught.”

I groan. “Yeah. Find her. That horse is gonna be my engagement present to Cricket.”

Steel grins. “Bout damn time. I thought you two would never figure it out.”

“Don’t tell me that everybody knew but me.”

He grins. “And her.”

“Fine. Just catch the horse. I’ll stay here. I don’t want to leave Cricket.”

“You’re gonna be one pussy-whipped son of a bitch.”

“Just get the horse, you asshole!”

I turn back to the house and stumble inside only to find Cricket standing in the living room wrapped up in a blanket.

I huff out. “Please tell me that you have clothes on under that.”

She grins. “I don’t want to lie to you.”

I close my eyes and draw in a deep breath. “You’re gonna kill me, Cricket.”

“What’s going on outside?”

“One of the horses got loose. We’ll get it. But since we’re awake I wanted to talk to you.”

She knots the blanket in her fingers and scrunches her nose up. “What about?”

“Sit down.”

She sits and I sit beside her before I get up and pace like a crazy person. “You know that I’d never want to do anything to hurt our friendship.”

She pops up and puts her hands on her hips which makes the blanket drop. The warm light in the room gilds her smooth skin and my mouth goes fucking dry as the Sahara.

“Stop or you’re gonna give me a heart attack.”

She sits back down. “I’m not saying I wish we didn’t do this. I’m saying that the thought of losing you terrifies me. More than losing this damn ranch ever will. You mean more to me than anything in this world.”

“You mean more to me than anything else too. I love you.”

I close my eyes and smile. “I sure as hell hope so because I wanna marry you one day. Want to raise kids that have your wild nature and smiling eyes. Your pretty golden hair and that sassy mouth. All of it.”

“What if they’re like you?”

“I’ll love them anyway.”

“But what I’m saying is that I hope that this,” I wave my hand around at us. “Doesn’t mess us up. If I lost you that would kill me.”

She shakes her head, smiling. “Not gonna happen. We’ve been together too long. I’d never leave you.”

“I hope you mean that, Cricket. Because if you tried to leave me I’d hunt your little ass down and spank it until you couldn’t sit. You promised me forever and I’m holding you to it.”

She chuckles. “You don’t have to threaten me. I’m yours, Cody. Until the end of time. Until one of us leaves this earth and even then I hope whichever one of us it is, waits on the other side. I’ll wait for you.”

“I’ll be there waiting for you. Don’t worry. Heaven and earth can’t keep us apart. You’re my future, my past and my present all rolled up into one.”
