Page 50 of Miami After Hours

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“What are we doing here?” Angela inquired.

He pointed to the sailboat. “We’re going on a sunset cruise. C’mon.” He grabbed her hand. “Or we’ll be late.” They walked down the plank toward the boat, where a man dressed in a sailor’s outfit greeted them.

“Mr. Cobb, welcome aboard.” He helped Angela and then Daniel up onto the boat.

“Are we here alone?” Angela asked. “I saw a couple of other boats that were filling up with people.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the man answered before Daniel could. “Mr. Cobb chartered the entire boat for your use to watch the sunset. Dinner will be served at seven p.m. sharp as per your request, Mr. Cobb.”

“Thank you.” Daniel inclined his head and then looked at Angela. “I hope this meets with your approval.”

“My approval? Daniel!” She jumped into his arms and he caught her. She wrapped her long legs around his middle. “This is incredible and I can’t wait to watch the sunset with you.”

The joy emanating from her was infectious, and Daniel couldn’t remember a time when he’d felt so relaxed and so carefree. What was Angela doing to him?

* * *

Later, once they’d made their way back to the cottage and sat wrapped in throws on loungers to stargaze, Angela realized Daniel had her under his spell and she wasn’t sure she wanted to come out of it. She’d tried to deny what was happening, but how could she when he’d done all this? Arranging a romantic sunset cruise and the subsequent delicious seafood dinner of Maine lobster, blue crab and oysters was the single most romantic thing a man had ever done for her. He was surpassing her hopes for this weekend and it had only just begun.

“Did you enjoy the day?” Daniel turned on his side to face her on the lounger.

Angela nodded, staring back at him. “I was just thinking it couldn’t get any better than this.”

“Oh, I was thinking it could,” Daniel said and before she could protest, he had drawn her across the short distance and had her sprawled across his hard body on his lounger. He kissed her long and deep. It was an unrelentingly thorough kiss as he claimed her. Made her his.

A moan escaped Angela’s lips and she wrapped her arms around him. Heated excitement coursed through her at feeling his hard loins underneath her. His hands were everywhere, exploring the length of her body, molding and shaping her breasts and curves as if he were memorizing every inch of her.

Angela’s senses swam even more when Daniel shifted beneath her until they were sitting upright. His hands traveled under her top, lifting it over her head. Then his mouth was kissing the hollow at the base of her throat while his fingers deftly unhooked and removed her bra, leaving her naked from the waist up.

He threaded his hands through her hair and searched her face. “I want you like this. Carefree and naked under the stars.” Then his head descended and he took one nipple in his mouth and sucked.

“Ah.” Angela threw her head back, holding his head in place as he paid homage to one breast and then the other with his skillful tongue, coaxing, teasing and tantalizing her until she was whimpering.

She didn’t even realize he’d moved until she was lying on her back on the lounger and felt her shorts and panties being tugged down. In seconds she was naked.

Even though it was dark, she could see Daniel’s gaze darken, then he lowered himself to his knees on the lounger to the silky mound at the junction of her thighs that begged for his touch. She felt his fingertips first, caressing her, testing her to see if she was ready for the ultimate intimacy.

She rose up on one of her elbows to watch him and answered his unasked question. “Yes.”

Then she felt his tongue as it stroked, then circled that tiny nub until it swelled for him. He was so skilled and practiced at coaxing a response from her that when he sucked on it a strangled cry escaped her lips.


She was lost. She couldn’t think about anything except the sweet feeling of Daniel’s mouth on her and how she wanted all of him inside her. She tried reaching for him to bring him toward her, but he caught both her hands and pinned them to her sides as he continued to feast on her.
