Page 74 of Miami After Hours

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“The venue,” Denise offered.

“Oh yes, sweetheart,” their mother chimed in. “It’s exceeded our expectations.”

“I’m so glad.” Angela beamed with pride. “Only the best for you two.”

“Let’s toast,” Daniel said. He motioned a waiter carrying champagne glasses to bring some over. Once everyone had a flute in their hand, Daniel held up his. “To the happy couple. May you have many more years of wedded bliss.”

“To the happy couple.”

* * *

Daniel was ecstatic to finally hold Angela in his arms. He’d been dying to dance with his fiancée all night, but he’d had business to take care of first. Namely asking Angela’s father for her hand in marriage. He knew he’d done it backward and apologized to her father for his haste, admitting he’d been caught up in the moment and pouring out the love he had for his daughter.

Mr. Trainor appreciated his honesty and had given Daniel his blessing. It warmed Daniel’s heart because despite her sometimes-strained relationship with her parents, he knew Angela wanted their approval.

And she’d finally gotten it.

“Finally I have you to myself,” Daniel said as they swayed to the music.

“We just spent the whole day together.”

“Getting ready for the party,” he commented. “I meant some quality one-on-one time,” he whispered in her ear. Then his tongue flicked out to lightly tease her earlobe.

“Stop that,” she murmured.

Instead of stopping, Daniel pulled her even closer, leaned forward and kissed her deeply on the mouth. Her lips were soft on his and it was like a powerful drug to him. He thrust his hips against her in a subtle movement that was meant to arouse, meant to elicit a response.

And it did.

Angela moaned, and her response caused his groin to harden. “What do you say we get out of here?”

“I can’t,” she said. “Not until they cut the cake.”

Daniel groaned. “Spoilsport.”

Angela leaned over and in his ear whispered something so naughty and indecent about what she would do to him later that Daniel was relieved no one else could hear. “Promise?” he asked when she raised her head.

“I promise.”

Daniel smiled inwardly and wrapped his arm around her waist and then sweetly plundered her mouth. When he finally lifted his head, he said, “I can’t wait for tonight, Angela. And for every other night after that I get to spend with you because I love you. I love you so very much.”

He kissed the top of her head, and she hugged him back just as tightly. Daniel had found a remarkable woman. A kind, loving, giving woman who would always be by his side. With Angela he’d found his home, his sanctuary.

* * * * *
