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"Don't look so miserable," Dr. Dawson teases me, waving his arms across the view of the ocean. "Look at that perfect sky…and those waves! Not to mention the food that's grilling smells delicious. Have a drink and try to enjoy yourself."

I humor him, pausing for a second to take it all in. But after a closer look, I'm still just as disenthralled as before.

"Don't mind me," I smirk. "It's just that I prefer boats over beaches, for either one I'd rather be alone."

"Would you prefer to bealone? Or with the company of a beautiful woman? Because it's the ladder from what I hear," he chuckles. "I guess I'm glad my son was never one for playing the field." A troubled look washes over his face. "I do wish he would have continued practicing medicine, but I know it was a hard decision for him to make. Leaving Bardot, that is. So I try not to let on how disappointed I am."

"I think I speak for everyone at Bardot when I say we'll miss having your son around as our medical director," I lie. Truthfully, Emery Dawson sucked at his job and everyone knows it. Everyone but his dad anyways.

There is only one reason I let his poor dad drag me along to this party to celebrate this next chapter in Emery's life. He settled down instead of playing the field, as his dad said - a decision I understand about as well as his choice to quit his respectable position in the medical field to sell knick-knacks on the side of the beach. It'swhohe settled down with that I'm interested in. His fiance is the only reason I forced myself to let the senior Dr. Dawson drag me here today.

And that reason is walking up to us now…finally.The sooner I meet Nicole Gray and discuss my idea with her, the sooner I can leave and go to the bar to watch the game and maybe even pick up some more suitable company for my Saturday…which, yes, would preferably be a beautiful woman. Even better if she's only looking for the same thing I am - which is a night of hot sex. Nothing less, nothing more.

Emery and Nicole are hand in hand as they walk towards us. I know this is the first time Dr. Dawson has ever met his future daughter-in-law, so I make certain to hang back a bit and give them space for a proper introduction.ThenI'll get the introduction I came here for.

Dr. Dawson smiles and reaches to take Nicole's hand. She's tan, tall, blonde, and beautiful. She's also an incredibly influential fashion designer. If she was single, I'd be more interested in the tan, tall, and beautiful part. But since Emery somehow got lucky and got a ring on her finger, I'm more interested in her talent and influence.

"So you're the woman who stole my son's heart," he says, pulling her in for a hug. "Bring it in here. Nice to meet you, Nicole. Though I have to admit, I did my fair share of internet stalking on you before today."

"Oh dear. You didn't find anything too scandalous, I hope."

"Nothing but the legacy of a talented, successful designer," he winks. "Oh, there's someone I'd like you to meet," he adds, turning to signal me in. "Emery, you remember Dr. Ashford from Bardot? He's an old friend of mine."

"Of course. Good to see you again, Joshua," Emery says, reaching to shake my hand.

"Nicole, this is Dr. Joshua Ashford. He's the head of neurology," Emery's dad says, stepping aside to introduce us.

"Lovely to meet you, Dr. Ashford."

"Joshua here actually had something he'd like to run by you, if you don't mind." He turns to Emery. "Son, can I steal you away for a bit while these two get acquainted?"

"Sure thing. We can go inside and check on Harlow," Emery replies. He kisses Nicole on the cheek before heading off with his dad.

"Thanks for agreeing to chat with me," I nod to Nicole, now that we're alone.

She studies me for a moment, but whatever verdict she comes to about me is unreadable. She's poised and polite, which explains why she's so popular.

"I'm sure this is the last thing you want to do in the middle of your big party," I offer.

"Oh, don't be so sure," she shrugs. "Sometimes the best ideas and collaborations are born at casual parties just like this one."

"Hm. Well, I hope that turns out to be true for what I'm proposing. When your name came up at Bardot recently, I had an idea for something. I'm familiar with your work because a woman I used to date was obsessed with your clothes. She bought up everything you did that she could get her hands on."

"Oh, how sweet. I'm honored."

"I know a lot of people feel the same way," I continue. "Your clothes seem to appeal to a wide market of people, especially here in California. We're working on some big things in the neurology department at Bardot. Most of it is privately funded, but we're reaching some…obstacles. I wondered if you and I could discuss a potential charity event? Featuring your designs? Maybe an exclusive collection to be auctioned off."

"I'm intrigued," she replies. "And definitely interested. I'm always happy to find new ways that fashion can do some good in the world. Let me give you my card. Call and set up a lunch and we can discuss it all in more detail."

Emery rejoins us just as Nicole hands me her card. I glance over it for a second before a reflection of light draws my attention up to the small group of women who are just arriving at the party, but really just one woman in particular.

I narrow my gaze over the familiar dark wavy hair and sparkling brown eyes that are lighting up in a smile.Vanessa. It can't be.

It feels like I've just been stabbed in the chest with a sharp knife.
