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"What is she doing here?" I blurt, wavering in my stance a little. My knees are suddenly weak, like I might faint right here on the beach in front of everyone.

"Oh, you know Dr. Lopez?" Emery asks. "She's up for a new position at Bardot. Something in oncology. Hudson could tell you more than me. I'm out of the loop these days."

No. No, no, no. That can't happen.

I stop and clear my throat, worrying that I may have said that outloud.

"No, I don't know her. I did. A long time ago. She used to be…a friend," I explain, keeping my eyes glued to her.

It's definitely her. Vanessa Lopez. She must have finished school, since she's officiallyDr.Vanessa Lopez now. But why the hell would Bardot be considering a veterinarian for any of its open positions?

I force myself to snap out of it, turning my attention back to Emery. "Forgive me. I think I will go catch up with Hudson and get more details on which position she's up for. Nicole, it was a pleasure to meet you. I'll call to set up that lunch very soon."

"Enjoy the party, Dr. Ashford," she smiles. "Talk soon."

Before turning to walk away, I linger for a moment and get one last look at her. It's been at least a decade since I last saw or heard from her. And now she shows up here out of nowhere, schmoozing with none other than Lexie Bardot and Kate Langley.

Kate is one of my direct reports, and I don't want her anywhere near someone who is so close and personal to my past. And as for Lexie…well, being the daughter of Sturgill Bardot, the man who owns the hospital we all work at and effectively ownsmeby proxy…I certainly don't want Vanessa and her place in my past anywhere near her.

Even worse than the dread of seeing herhereof all places, is the undeniable truth that she looks better than ever. The rounded girlishness of her facial features that I once knew so well have grown narrow and sharp, while the luscious curves of her hourglass body have rounded out even more. It's a deadly combo transformation.

But that smile and those eyes…Those haven't changed a bit. That may be the part that stings the most.

I only have room in my life for one thing, and that's work. That means I have to keep women and all other distractions at a safe distance, and sometimes that requires me behaving in a way that some would deem hurtful or disrespectful. What I call being honest, others call being a womanizer. I never let it get to me, and I have no regrets over how I've treated any woman that's crossed my path…

…All except forone. And now here that woman is…waltzing right in and threatening to ruin everything.

There is no way in hell I can let her get anywhere near my world at Bardot…at least not any closer than she apparently already has. I rush off in search of Hudson to get some answers and put a stop to this.

Normally I prefer bluntness over charm. Trying to butter people up takes too long. It's easier to just get straight to the point, which tends to scare people if you bark it in just the right way. That catches them off guard and makes them more likely to agree with you or give you the information you're looking for. It's not the best bedside manner, but it does cut to the chase which has served me in saving a lot of lives.

But this scenario is more delicate. There's too much at stake.

I can't have Vanessa Lopez working at Bardot. I'll do whatever it takes to stop that from happening. The other problem is…Dr. Hudson Gray just so happens to be Nicole Gray's brother, and since I currently need her for my fundraising efforts - I can go barreling in the way I usually would and risk doing anything to leave a bad taste in Hudson's mouth, which could screw up my standing with his sister.

Hudson just so happens to be talking to Dr. Brett Adler when I spot him. I cringe at the sight of it since Brett is another one of my direct reports, and not one that I'm particularly fond of. But this could actually work to my advantage.

I don't know why Emery seems to think Vanessa's candidacy at Bardot has anything to do with oncology, unless we're starting to treat cancer in kittens and no one told me. Last I knew, Vanessa was majoring in animal sciences to become a veterinarian. But if what Emery said is somehow true, Brett is a senior doctor in Oncology. He'll definitely have some answers.

I approach them both and ease in with small talk, then carefully bring up this disturbing bit of information I received from Emery.

"I've volunteered for the hiring committee until we bring on a new medical director," Hudson explains. "And yes, I can confirm that Dr. Lopez is one of our top picks for the new lead Biochemist in the Oncology Research Department."

I do my best to hold back a bitter laugh, but it seeps across my face in a cynical smile. "Knowing how closely my department works with oncology, how has this new role and its candidates not been discussed with me before now?"

Brett and Hudson flash each other a look.

"Dr. Ashford," Brett says with his typical weaselly smile and voice. "With all due respect, this is a party. It's Saturday. I'm sure we would have discussed it with you sometime next week."

"It's standard procedure for the hiring committee to narrow the candidates down to the top two or three before ever bringing it to the heads of overlapping departments," Hudson defends.

A small ounce of hope rises up inside of me. "Oh, so she's on a long list of potential hires at this point?"

Hudson raises his hand and furrows his brow. "A short list, but not the top two or three just yet. Though I can tell you she probably will be, and that's far more than I should tell you so I hope it stays between us. What's all this about? Why are you so worried about Dr. Lopez?"

My lips part, and I find my eyes drifting back to Vanessa. If there was ever a woman I should have treated better…it was her. But in the end, she wasn't so innocent anyway. I can't have her in this part of my world, threatening to distract me from my work which is on the cusp of doing some great things for the world.

Still…do I have it in me to cut her off from this opportunity? I don't know her anymore. I don't even know what she's doing here or how she's eligible for this position.
