Page 20 of My Hot Boss

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“I really don’t know what to think of you, Augustine. You act so innocent that you make me think that you really could be. Please tell me that you’re not.”

I pressed my lips together and I think I knew what he was getting at. He wanted to know if I was innocent, and when I told him I was innocent, he wanted to know in what way. It was embarrassing how intent his look was and I lifted to my tiptoes so that I could kiss him. It was a lot easier to deal with everything when I knew what was going on next. Derrick didn’t need to hear the words or what I had or hadn’t done before. He just needed to know that I wanted him now and we were married. All of the time for questions was gone.

Derrick finally shut the door and he walked with me upstairs to his room. I was shaking the whole time. Derrick didn’t seem to care one way or the other. My hand inside of his might have been trembling, but he didn’t stop to see what was the matter. Maybe he already knew, though I doubted it. I was shaking so badly and had no idea what I was doing. It was our wedding night, and I knew what was needed from me, but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t freaked out to no end. I had never been so worked up in all of my life and now it was time.

His kiss was deep, his body pushed mine back into the bed. I could feel the soft cushioned mattress underneath me, the hard body of Derrick on top. It was everything that I wanted and more. I called out to him and knew that something was about to happen, something wonderful. I clung to him when he tried to pull away, getting on top of me and pressing downward with his large need. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. I was spellbound by all of it.

“Is it time?”

Derrick said that he had a lot to teach her. I didn’t agree or disagree, because I didn’t know which way it was going to go. He knew a lot about love. I could tell by the way he touched me and how he made me feel with a few movements of his body. I was in heaven.

Then, he was on top of me, and everything was going so fast, too fast. I pulled back from his lips, panting, and told him to wait. He panted hard above me, asking me what it was that I wanted. I breathed hard and shook. “I’m the sort of innocent that has never done this, Derrick. Can we go slow?” I finally got it out. The darkness in his eyes got darker, if that was possible, and I knew that a switch had been flipped and it felt like an important one.

Derrick growled and I was unable to stop shivering again like I was freezing. He kissed me hard and told me that he didn’t know that he would have to teach me everything.

“I’m sorry. I know that it’s not what you signed up for.”

He waved me off. “I signed up to be your husband and teaching you the ways of love will be one of the best parts of our marriage, this I know. I signed up for you, just the way you are.”

I wanted to melt right then. Was that what I needed so badly, unconditional love? I had no idea what I was doing or much about relationships, but I wanted someone to be there for me no matter what. That was what I truly needed, nothing else. “Are you sure?”

Derrick agreed that he was sure. “I already know what game we can play first.”

I asked him what he was talking about and with no warning, he pressed himself against me, his body wedged in between my open legs, and I shook with need. It was almost as good as when he pushed on me with his hands before, when he’d made me come. It felt the same, but it was different parts of him that was causing the chaos, not just his hand.

My head went back, and I moaned loudly. It was louder than I wanted it to be, but then Derrick told me that was the game. “What?”

“I want to see how many times I can make you sound like that.”

I could feel my face getting red, but I had to admit I really liked the sound of the game. My body was already begging to play and when he pressed down with his hips again, I closed my eyes and Derrick got another whimper. It would be one of many, I was sure.



The news that Augustine had never been touched before was surprising. She was gorgeous, I’d always said that, and to think that I was going to be the first person to touch her was even better. I couldn’t believe I had gotten so lucky, and she was all mine, every inch of her fresh as pure white snow. I never thought that something like that would matter. It was silly, but damn if it didn’t. I loved the idea that no one but me had ever touched her.

The game to see how many times I could make her moan was off to a great start. Augustine was sensitive, everywhere it appeared, and every time I touched her, she responded in the most beautiful way. She was surely about to lose herself to me. All I had to do was wait and hold on.

Augustine’s first orgasm was loud and covered my hand with her juices. Before I could think twice, I had my mouth where I’d been rubbing, and Augustine’s dress was up to her waist. She squealed when I lapped her with my tongue. The sound pierced the room, and it was by far the best sound that I’d heard in a long time. My plan was backfiring on me. I didn’t know how long I was going to be able to hear her moans and do nothing. I needed her desperately and the more I tried to fight it, the worse off I was.

Her taste inundated my mouth and when I pulled up to kiss her, Augustine’s eyes opened, and our lips met. She whimpered with the touch and even more so as I pressed my desire against her bare parts.

The dress was becoming a problem and I could no longer stand the wrestling that I’d been doing for it. I started to tug hard on it, ripping it on one side, freeing her and her pert little tits to my hungry mouth. I suckled them up quickly and heard more noises of desire. She was loud and didn’t hide her pleasure. I liked that more than anything else. With Augustine, I knew what I was going to get.

“I need you, Augustine,” I said as I got rid of my own clothes that stood in our way. I looked down at her desire, covered with only a thin layer of fabric. It would take nothing to move it and feast on her flesh again. I was tempted, but it was time for something more. Neither one of us could wait any longer.

She opened herself to me, and the look she gave me was so trusting. I felt bad once again for all the trust that she had in me. I didn't know if I was that trustworthy, but I didn't know that looking into her eyes with her giving me that unabashed look of hers made me want to wrap her up and protect her forever. I had never felt that before, and with her looking at me the way she was, I was able to finally slow down. There was this urgency that went through me, the type that made me shake inside and tremble like I was a 17-year-old boy at prom. I wasn't. I was a man who had a lot of experience behind me. Seeing how nervous and worried she was, helped me to remember who I was as well.

I settled over her body gently, but I did nothing more than kiss her softly on her lips. It looked like Augustine was bracing herself for me and that was definitely not the reaction I was looking for. I needed her to see that this was not something that had to be done and it certainly wasn’t something that she should have to brace herself for. I asked her again if she even wanted to do this, because it looked like she was more afraid than she was turned on and I didn't mind waiting a little bit longer until her reaction was a little different. The one I was getting right now didn’t make me feel good at all.

“We have to do this; it has to be kind of consummated or it's not real,” Augustine said.

I'm not even sure if that was right or not, maybe it was. I wondered how she knew it and why she was spouting it back to me like she’d heard it before. Was that something that her family had told her? And again, it just made me realize how fucked up her family was. Even though I was rock hard and ready to go, there was too much conversation going on and especially when much of that conversation made me realize that Augustine was not ready in any way, shape, or form to be doing this. My wife was not ready for me. That was a bit of a disappointment.

I moved off of her and sat back on my heels, pulling at my boxers to cover myself up. I didn't want to be sitting there hard and out, probably quite aggressive looking, if I thought about it from her point of view. No wonder she was shaking. This was not something that she wanted to do, it was something that she had to do, was forced to do. I had never bedded a woman that didn't want me, and I certainly wasn't going to start now. I could wait, however long it took. I would rather wait.

When I started to get up out of the bed, Augustine became alarmed and asked me where I was going. I couldn’t say much, my mind and my body were fighting against me in the worst way. I didn't think I had ever been so worked up with nothing happening on the other end of it before in my whole life. I knew that I had to wait until she was ready, but was it so wrong to hope that it didn't take forever? Would it be wrong to hope that it happened pretty damn soon?
