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“Who?” Julian and I speak at the same time.

“Ashley. That dark brunette who had that dragon tattoo. Remember her? In Utah?” he asks. “It’s the nose that gets me. It reminds me so much of hers, along with the dark hair. Between how dark our hair is and how dark hers was, I bet you anything it was her.”

“Nah, I just don’t see it,” I say with a shake of my head. “If anything, I bet you the mom is a blonde.”

“You lost your credibility when you said it was Lana,” Julian tells me. “I can definitely see it being Ashley before Lana. But again, I don’t know with his thick hair. I don’t think that’s a gift from any of us. Maybe it was Sarah. That girl who was up in Calgary.”

“You’re really going to say that the mom is Canadian?” I ask in surprise.

“I mean, it’s pretty nice of someone to give the kid up to be raised by rockstars. And Canadians are super nice, right?” Caleb asks. “So there’s that.”

“I’m starting to think I should have paid more attention to all the girls I took to bed.” Julian sighs. “I feel like this would be a lot easier if I could have a list of them and their most prominent features.”

“Pretty sure it was the combination of tits and ass that got them into bed, and I don’t think either will help us with this,” I tell him.

“You’d think there would be some hospital record though,” Caleb says. “I don’t know why we don’t call up the hospitals around here and see if we can hunt down a baby that was born in the past few months and figure out if we can find the mom that way.”

“For starters, that’s assuming that the mom is from Detroit,” Julian says. “And secondly, if the mom wanted to be found, don’t you think she would have left some sort of way for us to contact her on the note? I think she made it clear she doesn’t want shit to do with us.”

“But it still seems strange that a mom would drop off her kid that way,” I say.

“Except for the fact that she gave him to three dads,” Julian says. “It’s like giving him to parents plus one, and they all have money.”

“True,” I admit.

“I was trying to come up with any other girls we passed around, but I feel like that was most of them if I’m honest,” Caleb says. “It’s not like we’ve had an issue with sharing.”

“Or the women we’re with have an issue being shared,” I laugh.

“Speaking of that, can you believe that Jeanette is the one who came into the office today? I mean, once I saw her I knew she was the one to be the nanny, but what are the fucking odds that she would apply to the job we put out there when we didn’t even put our names on the listing?” Caleb says.

“Right? I bet you there are hundreds of nanny jobs in the area, and we’re not even from here, so the fact that she chose ours above others is remarkable in itself. Of course, I bet we do have a pretty nice rate compared to what most nannies make,” Julian says.

“Only because we’re taking her with us,” I say. “And I’m not sure she was very clear on that point when she came into the office for the interview. We’re going to have to nail that out with her when she gets here tomorrow.”

“Right,” Caleb says. “And I really want to get down to all the details and specifics of how we’re approaching this. I don’t think she was kidding when she pointed out how much she hates us.”

“But yet she took the job,” I say. “I mean, how could she not after what we had back in high school?”

“She’s aged well, just saying,” Julian says. “But then, so have we. Do you think she took the job because of the nostalgia she had to feel when she saw the three of us together again?”

“Again, she was pretty clear that she was going to be a nanny and she didn’t want anything to do with us, so I would have to say that she’s more about the money than about us,” I say.

“But then, she could be putting up that front because of the way things were our senior year. I don’t see her wanting to just forget about all that. You know women,” Julian says.

“Do you think she would still be clinging to that all these years later?” Caleb asks.

“Um, she said it outright today, didn’t you hear her?” I ask. “She pointed out how we treated her in high school, and said she was only going to watch Hendrix.”

“Again, she says that, but I think time will tell on that front,” Julian says.

“Meaning?” I ask.

“Meaning, I think we need to decide if we’re going to focus our time on only our music and our kid, or if we should consider re-bonding with her body as well,” Julian replies. “I don’t think I’m the only one who still remembers the crazy sex we had with her back then.”

“Or how many ways we got her to bend and break for us,” I reminisce. “What do you think, Caleb?”

“I think we should figure out the details of how she’s going to nanny for us first and foremost. We have two days before we’re hitting the road, so we better make sure she’s game to come with us. If she’s not, I don’t know what we’re going to do.”
