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I tucked my identification back into my purse. “Pardon?”

“Prentice Wright came down himself to make sure you got this when you arrived.” He twisted around to pull a lanyard out of the plastic bin sitting on the stool to his right. “You must be someone special to rate the VIP treatment.”

My brows drew together. “How come?”

“I rarely give out one of these.” He tapped the badge before handing it to me. “This is an all-access pass to the facilities. You can go pretty much wherever you want, and I was instructed to let you know that it doesn’t have the usual expiration date. You’re welcome to come and go as you please during the entire season.”

“That is very cool.” I flashed him a grin as I slid the lanyard over my head and settled the badge in the valley between my breasts.

“If you’re planning to take photos of the players, they’re on the field right now.” Stepping to the side so I could move past him, he pointed toward the hallway to his left. “You’ll want to head that way for the most direct route.”


I followed his directions, and a couple of minutes later, I heard whistles and male yells. Pulling my camera from my purse, I popped off the lens cover and tucked it back inside. When I stepped into the sunlight, I paused to snap a few photos of the field without focusing on a specific player. Then I moved to the sideline and searched for the familiar face of my brother or Prentice.

The defensive line was practicing on this end of the field, so I spotted Nixon first. I got some great pics as they ran through several drills, lifting my hand to wave at my brother when he finally noticed me and called, “Hey, Mims!”

His attention was recaptured by the defensive line coach, and I moved farther down the sideline in search of Prentice. It wasn’t difficult to find him since he was doing passing drills with the wide receivers. With his entire focus on his teammates, I was able to get incredible action shots of him before I lowered my camera to stare in awe. It was different watching him play now that I knew him—including the way his mouth tasted and how his hands felt on my body—even just during practice.

I was so absorbed with the sight of him that I didn’t notice Sally had come up beside me until she tapped my shoulder and said, “Hey, there. Long time, no see.”

“Hi.” Her gaze drifted toward Prentice, and my cheeks heated over being caught gawking at him while I was thinking about how he’d kissed me yesterday. “I’m here to take some photos for social media.”

“Let me guess, Prentice heard you were helping your brother and asked you to handle his posts too?”

I looked away so she didn’t see my blush as I replied, “Yeah, something like that.”

“Sounds just like him. He’s one of the best guys I know.” Her smile was soft as she turned to me. “It isn’t just his incredible talent that makes him such a great leader. Every single player out there with him knows that Prentice would do just about anything for them.”

“Mm-hmm,” I murmured, my attraction to him growing as the head coach’s wife described what a good guy he was.

“For their families, too,” she added, gesturing toward my camera. “Like having you handle his social media accounts.”

I nodded. “I’m lucky. It’s a great opportunity.”

Sally bumped her shoulder against mine. “I’m sure you’ll do a great job.”

“Thanks for your vote of confidence.” At least considering how photogenic Prentice was, I couldn't go wrong when it came to the images I posted.

“I’d better let you get back to it.” She patted me on the shoulder. “I wouldn’t want to be a distraction on your first day on the job, and I have plenty of things to get done before my husband gets home.”

“Good luck.”

I moved back and forth down the sidelines, taking a ton of photos until the practice ended. Nixon jogged over to me with his helmet dangling from his fingertips. “Hey, Mims. Way to go above and beyond. I wasn’t expecting you to hang around this long.”

Prentice joined us just in time to answer, “That’s probably my fault. She needed to get some photos of me since she’s going to take my accounts over, too.”

“Cool.” My brother slanted a glance at me. “I totally forgot.”

I poked his chest pad. “Probably because you were still recovering from all of the fun you had at The End Zone after the game.”

“Ah, yeah.” He wrapped his hand around the back of his neck. “Sorry about that. I should’ve been more careful, especially since you were at the club with me.”

“No worries.” I jerked my chin toward Prentice. “He took great care of me.”

“I don’t usually go overboard with the drinking. It’s just that…”

Nixon seemed to be struggling with how to explain what happened that night, and I took pity on him. “Seriously, don’t worry about it. You were celebrating a big win, didn’t leave me alone to fend for myself, and had a designated driver.”
